| #!/bin/sh |
| # |
| # Output a simple RPM spec file. |
| # This version assumes a minimum of RPM 4.0.3. |
| # |
| # The only gothic bit here is redefining install_post to avoid |
| # stripping the symbols from files in the kernel which we want |
| # |
| # Patched for non-x86 by Opencon (L) 2002 <opencon@rio.skydome.net> |
| # |
| |
| # how we were called determines which rpms we build and how we build them |
| if [ "$1" = prebuilt ]; then |
| S=DEL |
| else |
| S= |
| fi |
| |
| if grep -q CONFIG_MODULES=y .config; then |
| M= |
| else |
| M=DEL |
| fi |
| |
| if grep -q CONFIG_DRM=y .config; then |
| PROVIDES=kernel-drm |
| fi |
| |
| __KERNELRELEASE=$(echo $KERNELRELEASE | sed -e "s/-/_/g") |
| EXCLUDES="$RCS_TAR_IGNORE --exclude=.tmp_versions --exclude=*vmlinux* \ |
| --exclude=*.o --exclude=*.ko --exclude=*.cmd --exclude=Documentation \ |
| --exclude=.config.old --exclude=.missing-syscalls.d" |
| |
| # We can label the here-doc lines for conditional output to the spec file |
| # |
| # Labels: |
| # $S: this line is enabled only when building source package |
| # $M: this line is enabled only when CONFIG_MODULES is enabled |
| sed -e '/^DEL/d' -e 's/^\t*//' <<EOF |
| Name: kernel |
| Summary: The Linux Kernel |
| Version: $__KERNELRELEASE |
| Release: $(cat .version 2>/dev/null || echo 1) |
| License: GPL |
| Group: System Environment/Kernel |
| Vendor: The Linux Community |
| URL: http://www.kernel.org |
| $S Source: kernel-$__KERNELRELEASE.tar.gz |
| Provides: $PROVIDES |
| %define __spec_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress || : |
| %define debug_package %{nil} |
| |
| %description |
| The Linux Kernel, the operating system core itself |
| |
| %package headers |
| Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc |
| Group: Development/System |
| Obsoletes: kernel-headers |
| Provides: kernel-headers = %{version} |
| %description headers |
| Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface |
| between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The |
| header files define structures and constants that are needed for |
| building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the |
| glibc package. |
| |
| $S$M %package devel |
| $S$M Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the $__KERNELRELEASE kernel |
| $S$M Group: System Environment/Kernel |
| $S$M AutoReqProv: no |
| $S$M %description -n kernel-devel |
| $S$M This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules |
| $S$M against the $__KERNELRELEASE kernel package. |
| $S$M |
| $S %prep |
| $S %setup -q |
| $S |
| $S %build |
| $S make %{?_smp_mflags} KBUILD_BUILD_VERSION=%{release} |
| $S |
| %install |
| mkdir -p %{buildroot}/boot |
| %ifarch ia64 |
| mkdir -p %{buildroot}/boot/efi |
| cp \$(make image_name) %{buildroot}/boot/efi/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE |
| ln -s efi/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE %{buildroot}/boot/ |
| %else |
| cp \$(make image_name) %{buildroot}/boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE |
| %endif |
| $M make %{?_smp_mflags} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} KBUILD_SRC= modules_install |
| make %{?_smp_mflags} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=%{buildroot}/usr KBUILD_SRC= headers_install |
| cp System.map %{buildroot}/boot/System.map-$KERNELRELEASE |
| cp .config %{buildroot}/boot/config-$KERNELRELEASE |
| bzip2 -9 --keep vmlinux |
| mv vmlinux.bz2 %{buildroot}/boot/vmlinux-$KERNELRELEASE.bz2 |
| $S$M rm -f %{buildroot}/lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/build |
| $S$M rm -f %{buildroot}/lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/source |
| $S$M mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/src/kernels/$KERNELRELEASE |
| $S$M tar cf - $EXCLUDES . | tar xf - -C %{buildroot}/usr/src/kernels/$KERNELRELEASE |
| $S$M cd %{buildroot}/lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE |
| $S$M ln -sf /usr/src/kernels/$KERNELRELEASE build |
| $S$M ln -sf /usr/src/kernels/$KERNELRELEASE source |
| |
| %clean |
| rm -rf %{buildroot} |
| |
| %post |
| if [ -x /sbin/installkernel -a -r /boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE -a -r /boot/System.map-$KERNELRELEASE ]; then |
| cp /boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE /boot/.vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm |
| cp /boot/System.map-$KERNELRELEASE /boot/.System.map-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm |
| rm -f /boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE /boot/System.map-$KERNELRELEASE |
| /sbin/installkernel $KERNELRELEASE /boot/.vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm /boot/.System.map-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm |
| rm -f /boot/.vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm /boot/.System.map-$KERNELRELEASE-rpm |
| fi |
| |
| %preun |
| if [ -x /sbin/new-kernel-pkg ]; then |
| new-kernel-pkg --remove $KERNELRELEASE --rminitrd --initrdfile=/boot/initramfs-$KERNELRELEASE.img |
| elif [ -x /usr/bin/kernel-install ]; then |
| kernel-install remove $KERNELRELEASE |
| fi |
| |
| %postun |
| if [ -x /sbin/update-bootloader ]; then |
| /sbin/update-bootloader --remove $KERNELRELEASE |
| fi |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr (-, root, root) |
| $M /lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE |
| $M %exclude /lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/build |
| $M %exclude /lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/source |
| /boot/* |
| |
| %files headers |
| %defattr (-, root, root) |
| /usr/include |
| $S$M |
| $S$M %files devel |
| $S$M %defattr (-, root, root) |
| $S$M /usr/src/kernels/$KERNELRELEASE |
| $S$M /lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/build |
| $S$M /lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE/source |
| EOF |