blob: 004dcf7c2c70f05e6f11dea15a69b87a4e5dc0ee [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _TEST_MOCK_H
#define _TEST_MOCK_H
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/tracepoint.h> /* For PARAMS(...) */
#include <test/test.h>
#include <test/test-stream.h>
#include <test/params.h>
* struct mock_param_matcher - represents a matcher used in a *call expectation*
* @match: the function that performs the matching
* The matching function takes a couple of parameters:
* - ``this``: refers to the parent struct
* - ``stream``: a &test_stream to which a detailed message should be added as
* to why the parameter matches or not
* - ``param``: a pointer to the parameter to check for a match
* The matching function should return whether or not the passed parameter
* matches.
struct mock_param_matcher {
bool (*match)(struct mock_param_matcher *this,
struct test_stream *stream,
const void *param);
#define MOCK_MAX_PARAMS 255
struct mock_matcher {
struct mock_param_matcher *matchers[MOCK_MAX_PARAMS];
int num;
* struct mock_action - Represents an action that a mock performs when
* expectation is matched
* @do_action: the action to perform
* The action function is given some parameters:
* - ``this``: refers to the parent struct
* - ``params``: an array of pointers to the params passed into the mocked
* method or function. **The class argument is excluded for a mocked class
* method.**
* - ``len``: size of ``params``
* The action function returns a pointer to the value that the mocked method
* or function should be returning.
struct mock_action {
void *(*do_action)(struct mock_action *this,
const void **params,
int len);
* struct mock_expectation - represents a *call expectation* on a function.
* @action: A &struct mock_action to perform when the function is called.
* @max_calls_expected: maximum number of times an expectation may be called.
* @min_calls_expected: minimum number of times an expectation may be called.
* @retire_on_saturation: no longer match once ``max_calls_expected`` is
* reached.
* Represents a *call expectation* on a function created with EXPECT_CALL().
struct mock_expectation {
struct mock_action *action;
int max_calls_expected;
int min_calls_expected;
bool retire_on_saturation;
/* private: internal use only. */
const char *expectation_name;
struct list_head node;
struct mock_matcher *matcher;
int times_called;
struct mock_method {
struct list_head node;
const char *method_name;
const void *method_ptr;
struct mock_action *default_action;
struct list_head expectations;
struct mock {
struct test_post_condition parent;
struct test *test;
struct list_head methods;
const void *(*do_expect)(struct mock *mock,
const char *method_name,
const void *method_ptr,
const char * const *param_types,
const void **params,
int len);
void mock_init_ctrl(struct test *test, struct mock *mock);
void mock_validate_expectations(struct mock *mock);
int mock_set_default_action(struct mock *mock,
const char *method_name,
const void *method_ptr,
struct mock_action *action);
struct mock_expectation *mock_add_matcher(struct mock *mock,
const char *method_name,
const void *method_ptr,
struct mock_param_matcher *matchers[],
int len);
struct mock_param_formatter {
struct list_head node;
const char *type_name;
void (*format)(struct mock_param_formatter *formatter,
struct test_stream *stream,
const void *param);
void mock_register_formatter(struct mock_param_formatter *formatter);
void mock_unregister_formatter(struct mock_param_formatter *formatter);
#define MOCK(name) name##_mock
* EXPECT_CALL() - Declares a *call expectation* on a mock method or function.
* @expectation_call: a mocked method or function with parameters replaced with
* matchers.
* Example:
* .. code-block:: c
* // Class to mock.
* struct example {
* int (*foo)(struct example *, int);
* };
* // Define the mock.
* RETURNS(int),
* PARAMS(struct example *, int));
* static int example_init(struct MOCK(example) *mock_example)
* {
* struct example *example = mock_get_trgt(mock_example);
* example->foo = foo;
* return 0;
* }
* DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_INIT(example, example_init);
* static void foo_example_test_success(struct test *test)
* {
* struct MOCK(example) *mock_example;
* struct example *example = mock_get_trgt(mock_example);
* struct mock_expectation *handle;
* mock_example = CONSTRUCT_MOCK(example, test);
* handle = EXPECT_CALL(foo(mock_get_ctrl(mock_example),
* int_eq(test, 5)));
* handle->action = int_return(test, 2);
* EXPECT_EQ(test, 2, example_bar(example, 5));
* }
* Return:
* A &struct mock_expectation representing the call expectation.
* allowing additional conditions and actions to be specified.
#define EXPECT_CALL(expectation_call) mock_master_##expectation_call;
#define mock_get_ctrl_internal(mock_object) (&(mock_object)->ctrl)
#define mock_get_ctrl(mock_object) mock_get_ctrl_internal(mock_object)
#define mock_get_trgt_internal(mock_object) (&(mock_object)->trgt)
#define mock_get_trgt(mock_object) mock_get_trgt_internal(mock_object)
#define mock_get_test(mock_object) (mock_get_ctrl(mock_object)->test)
#define CLASS(struct_name) struct_name
#define HANDLE_INDEX(index) index
#define METHOD(method_name) method_name
#define RETURNS(return_type) return_type
/* #define PARAMS(...) __VA_ARGS__ included by linux/tracepoint.h */
#define MOCK_INIT_ID(struct_name) struct_name##mock_init
#define REAL_ID(func_name) __real__##func_name
#define INVOKE_ID(func_name) __invoke__##func_name
#define DECLARE_MOCK_CLIENT(name, return_type, param_types...) \
return_type name(PARAM_LIST_FROM_TYPES(param_types))
#define DECLARE_MOCK_MASTER(name, ctrl_index, param_types...) \
struct mock_expectation *mock_master_##name( \
#define DECLARE_MOCK_COMMON(name, handle_index, return_type, param_types...) \
DECLARE_MOCK_CLIENT(name, return_type, param_types); \
DECLARE_MOCK_MASTER(name, handle_index, param_types)
struct MOCK(struct_name) { \
struct mock ctrl; \
struct struct_name trgt; \
static inline struct mock *from_##struct_name##_to_mock( \
const struct struct_name *trgt) \
{ \
return mock_get_ctrl( \
container_of(trgt, \
struct MOCK(struct_name), \
trgt)); \
* DECLARE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_PREREQS() - Create a mock child class
* @struct_name: name of the class/struct to be mocked
* Creates a mock child class of ``struct_name`` named
* ``struct MOCK(struct_name)`` along with supporting internally used methods.
* See EXPECT_CALL() for example usages.
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
* @name: method name
* @struct_name: name of the class/struct
* @return_type: return type of the method
* @param_types: parameters of the method
* Same as DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK(), but only makes header compatible
* declarations.
struct_name, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
struct_name, \
0, \
return_type, \
* @name: method name
* @struct_name: name of the class/struct
* @param_types: parameters of the method
* Same as DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_VOID_RETURN(), but only makes header
* compatible declarations.
struct_name, \
param_types...) \
struct_name, \
0, \
void, \
* @struct_name: name of the class/struct
* Same as DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_INIT(), but only makes header compatible
* declarations.
#define DECLARE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_INIT(struct_name) \
struct MOCK(struct_name) *MOCK_INIT_ID(struct_name)( \
struct test *test)
* @struct_name: name of the class
* @test: associated test
* Constructs and allocates a test managed ``struct MOCK(struct_name)`` given
* the name of the class for which the mock is defined and a test object.
* See EXPECT_CALL() for example usage.
#define CONSTRUCT_MOCK(struct_name, test) MOCK_INIT_ID(struct_name)(test)
handle_index, \
mock_source_ctx, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
return_type name(PARAM_LIST_FROM_TYPES(param_types)) \
{ \
struct mock *mock = MOCK_SOURCE(mock_source_ctx, \
handle_index); \
static const char * const param_type_names[] = { \
TYPE_NAMES_FROM_TYPES(handle_index, \
param_types) \
}; \
const void *params[] = { \
PTR_TO_ARG_FROM_TYPES(handle_index, \
param_types) \
}; \
const void *retval; \
retval = mock->do_expect(mock, \
#name, \
name, \
param_type_names, \
params, \
ARRAY_SIZE(params)); \
ASSERT_NOT_ERR_OR_NULL(mock->test, retval); \
if (!retval) { \
test_info(mock->test, \
"no action installed for "#name); \
BUG(); \
} \
RETURN(return_type, retval); \
#define CLASS_MOCK_CLIENT_SOURCE(ctx, handle_index) ctx(arg##handle_index)
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
#define CAST_AND_RETURN(return_type, retval) return *((return_type *) retval)
#define NO_RETURN(return_type, retval)
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
void, \
ctrl_index, \
param_types...) \
struct mock_expectation *mock_master_##name( \
param_types)) \
{ \
struct mock_param_matcher *matchers[] = { \
ARG_NAMES_FROM_TYPES(ctrl_index, param_types) \
}; \
return mock_add_matcher(MOCK_SOURCE(ctrl_index), \
#name, \
(const void *) name, \
matchers, \
ARRAY_SIZE(matchers)); \
ctrl_index, \
param_types...) \
ctrl_index, \
#define CLASS_MOCK_MASTER_SOURCE(ctrl_index) arg##ctrl_index
#define DEFINE_MOCK_METHOD_MASTER(name, ctrl_index, param_types...) \
ctrl_index, \
#define DEFINE_MOCK_COMMON(name, \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
return_type, \
param_types); \
DEFINE_MOCK_METHOD_MASTER(name, handle_index, param_types)
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
mock_converter, \
param_types); \
DEFINE_MOCK_METHOD_MASTER(name, handle_index, param_types)
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
from_##struct_name##_to_mock, \
return_type, param_types)
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
return_type, \
name, \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
param_types...) \
handle_index, \
from_##struct_name##_to_mock, \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
param_types...) \
name, \
struct_name, \
handle_index, \
* @name: name of the method
* @struct_name: name of the class of which the method belongs
* @return_type: return type of the method to be created. **Must not be void.**
* @param_types: parameters to method to be created.
* See EXPECT_CALL() for example usage.
struct_name, \
return_type, \
param_types...) \
struct_name, \
0, \
return_type, \
* @name: name of the method
* @struct_name: name of the class of which the method belongs
* @param_types: parameters to method to be created.
* Same as DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK() except the method has a ``void`` return
* type.
#define DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_VOID_RETURN(name, struct_name, param_types...)\
struct_name, \
0, \
* @struct_name: name of the class
* @init_func: a function of type ``int (*)(struct MOCK(struct_name) *)``. This
* function is passed a pointer to an allocated, *but not
* initialized*, ``struct MOCK(struct_name)``. The job of this user
* provided function is to perform remaining initialization. Usually
* this entails assigning mock methods to the function pointers in
* the parent struct.
* See EXPECT_CALL() for example usage.
#define DEFINE_STRUCT_CLASS_MOCK_INIT(struct_name, init_func) \
struct MOCK(struct_name) *MOCK_INIT_ID(struct_name)( \
struct test *test) \
{ \
struct MOCK(struct_name) *mock_obj; \
mock_obj = test_kzalloc(test, \
sizeof(*mock_obj), \
if (!mock_obj) \
return NULL; \
mock_init_ctrl(test, mock_get_ctrl(mock_obj)); \
if (init_func(mock_obj)) \
return NULL; \
return mock_obj; \
#define CONVERT_TO_ACTUAL_TYPE(type, ptr) (*((type *) ptr))
* DOC: Built In Matchers
* These are the matchers that can be used when matching arguments in
* :c:func:`EXPECT_CALL` (more can be defined manually).
* For example, there's a matcher that matches any arguments:
* .. code-block:: c
* struct mock_param_matcher *any(struct test *test);
* There are matchers for integers based on the binary condition:
* * eq: equals to
* * ne: not equal to
* * lt: less than
* * le: less than or equal to
* * gt: greater than
* * ge: greater than or equal to
* .. code-block:: c
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_eq(struct test *test, int expected);
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_ne(struct test *test, int expected);
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_lt(struct test *test, int expected);
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_le(struct test *test, int expected);
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_gt(struct test *test, int expected);
* struct mock_param_matcher *int_ge(struct test *test, int expected);
* For a detailed list, please see
* ``include/linux/mock.h``.
/* Matches any argument */
struct mock_param_matcher *any(struct test *test);
* Matches different types of integers, the argument is compared to the
* `expected` field, based on the comparison defined.
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_eq(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_ne(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_le(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_lt(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_ge(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u8_gt(struct test *test, u8 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_eq(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_ne(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_le(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_lt(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_ge(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u16_gt(struct test *test, u16 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_eq(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_ne(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_le(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_lt(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_ge(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u32_gt(struct test *test, u32 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_eq(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_ne(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_le(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_lt(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_ge(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *u64_gt(struct test *test, u64 expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_eq(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_ne(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_le(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_lt(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_ge(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *char_gt(struct test *test, char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_eq(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_ne(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_le(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_lt(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_ge(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uchar_gt(struct test *test, unsigned char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_eq(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_ne(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_le(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_lt(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_ge(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *schar_gt(struct test *test, signed char expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_eq(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_ne(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_le(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_lt(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_ge(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *short_gt(struct test *test, short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_eq(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_ne(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_le(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_lt(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_ge(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ushort_gt(struct test *test,
unsigned short expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_eq(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_ne(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_lt(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_le(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_gt(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *int_ge(struct test *test, int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_eq(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_ne(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_lt(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_le(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_gt(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *uint_ge(struct test *test, unsigned int expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_eq(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_ne(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_le(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_lt(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_ge(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *long_gt(struct test *test, long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_eq(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_ne(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_le(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_lt(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_ge(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulong_gt(struct test *test, unsigned long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_eq(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_ne(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_le(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_lt(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_ge(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *longlong_gt(struct test *test, long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_eq(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_ne(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_le(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_lt(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_ge(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ulonglong_gt(struct test *test,
unsigned long long expected);
/* Matches pointers. */
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_eq(struct test *test, void *expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_ne(struct test *test, void *expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_lt(struct test *test, void *expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_le(struct test *test, void *expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_gt(struct test *test, void *expected);
struct mock_param_matcher *ptr_ge(struct test *test, void *expected);
/* Matches memory sections and strings. */
struct mock_param_matcher *memeq(struct test *test,
const void *buf,
size_t size);
struct mock_param_matcher *streq(struct test *test, const char *str);
struct mock_param_matcher *str_contains(struct test *test, const char *needle);
/* Matches var-arg arguments. */
struct mock_param_matcher *va_format_cmp(struct test *test,
struct mock_param_matcher *fmt_matcher,
struct mock_param_matcher *va_matcher);
struct mock_action *u8_return(struct test *test, u8 ret);
struct mock_action *u16_return(struct test *test, u16 ret);
struct mock_action *u32_return(struct test *test, u32 ret);
struct mock_action *u64_return(struct test *test, u64 ret);
struct mock_action *char_return(struct test *test, char ret);
struct mock_action *uchar_return(struct test *test, unsigned char ret);
struct mock_action *schar_return(struct test *test, signed char ret);
struct mock_action *short_return(struct test *test, short ret);
struct mock_action *ushort_return(struct test *test, unsigned short ret);
struct mock_action *int_return(struct test *test, int ret);
struct mock_action *uint_return(struct test *test, unsigned int ret);
struct mock_action *long_return(struct test *test, long ret);
struct mock_action *ulong_return(struct test *test, unsigned long ret);
struct mock_action *longlong_return(struct test *test, long long ret);
struct mock_action *ulonglong_return(struct test *test, unsigned long long ret);
struct mock_action *ptr_return(struct test *test, void *ret);
* struct mock_struct_matcher_entry - composed with other &struct
* mock_struct_matcher_entry to make a
* &struct struct_matcher
* @member_offset: offset of this member
* @matcher: matcher for this particular member
* This is used for struct_cmp() matchers.
struct mock_struct_matcher_entry {
size_t member_offset;
struct mock_param_matcher *matcher;
static inline void init_mock_struct_matcher_entry_internal(
struct mock_struct_matcher_entry *entry,
size_t offset,
struct mock_param_matcher *matcher)
entry->member_offset = offset;
entry->matcher = matcher;
* @entry: the &struct mock_struct_matcher_entry to initialize
* @type: the struct being matched
* @member: the member of the struct being matched, used to calculate the offset
* @matcher: matcher to match that member
* Initializes ``entry`` to match ``type->member`` with ``matcher``.
#define INIT_MOCK_STRUCT_MATCHER_ENTRY(entry, type, member, matcher) \
init_mock_struct_matcher_entry_internal(entry, \
offsetof(type, member),\
struct mock_struct_matcher_entry *entry)
entry->matcher = NULL;
struct mock_param_matcher *struct_cmp(
struct test *test,
const char *struct_name,
struct mock_struct_matcher_entry *entries);
struct mock_struct_formatter_entry {
size_t member_offset;
struct mock_param_formatter *formatter;
static inline void init_mock_struct_formatter_entry_internal(
struct mock_struct_formatter_entry *entry,
size_t offset,
struct mock_param_formatter *formatter)
entry->member_offset = offset;
entry->formatter = formatter;
#define INIT_MOCK_STRUCT_FORMATTER_ENTRY(entry, type, member, formatter) \
init_mock_struct_formatter_entry_internal(entry, \
offsetof(type, \
member), \
struct mock_struct_formatter_entry *entry)
entry->formatter = NULL;
struct mock_param_formatter *mock_struct_formatter(
struct test *test,
const char *struct_name,
struct mock_struct_formatter_entry *entries);
struct mock_param_formatter *mock_find_formatter(const char *type_name);
#define FORMATTER_FROM_TYPE(type) mock_find_formatter(#type)
extern struct mock_param_formatter unknown_formatter[];
#endif /* _TEST_MOCK_H */