blob: ebb45acb4446a18c1399270cab9e3b95d6e20706 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
#define _RTW_MLME_EXT_C_
#include <drv_types.h>
#include <rtw_debug.h>
#include <rtw_wifi_regd.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
static struct mlme_handler mlme_sta_tbl[] = {
{WIFI_ASSOCREQ, "OnAssocReq", &OnAssocReq},
{WIFI_ASSOCRSP, "OnAssocRsp", &OnAssocRsp},
{WIFI_REASSOCREQ, "OnReAssocReq", &OnAssocReq},
{WIFI_REASSOCRSP, "OnReAssocRsp", &OnAssocRsp},
{WIFI_PROBEREQ, "OnProbeReq", &OnProbeReq},
{WIFI_PROBERSP, "OnProbeRsp", &OnProbeRsp},
below 2 are reserved
{0, "DoReserved", &DoReserved},
{0, "DoReserved", &DoReserved},
{WIFI_BEACON, "OnBeacon", &OnBeacon},
{WIFI_ATIM, "OnATIM", &OnAtim},
{WIFI_DISASSOC, "OnDisassoc", &OnDisassoc},
{WIFI_AUTH, "OnAuth", &OnAuthClient},
{WIFI_DEAUTH, "OnDeAuth", &OnDeAuth},
{WIFI_ACTION, "OnAction", &OnAction},
{WIFI_ACTION_NOACK, "OnActionNoAck", &OnAction},
static struct action_handler OnAction_tbl[] = {
static u8 null_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
OUI definitions for the vendor specific IE
unsigned char RTW_WPA_OUI[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x01};
unsigned char WMM_OUI[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02};
unsigned char WPS_OUI[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x04};
unsigned char P2P_OUI[] = {0x50, 0x6F, 0x9A, 0x09};
unsigned char WFD_OUI[] = {0x50, 0x6F, 0x9A, 0x0A};
unsigned char WMM_INFO_OUI[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01};
unsigned char WMM_PARA_OUI[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01};
static unsigned char REALTEK_96B_IE[] = {0x00, 0xe0, 0x4c, 0x02, 0x01, 0x20};
ChannelPlan definitions
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}, 13}, /* 0x00, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_WORLD , Passive scan CH 12, 13 */
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}, 13}, /* 0x01, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_ETSI1 */
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}, 11}, /* 0x02, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_FCC1 */
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, 14}, /* 0x03, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_MIKK1 */
{{10, 11, 12, 13}, 4}, /* 0x04, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_ETSI2 */
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, 14}, /* 0x05, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_GLOBAL , Passive scan CH 12, 13, 14 */
{{}, 0}, /* 0x06, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_NULL */
{{}, 0}, /* 0x00, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NULL */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140}, 19}, /* 0x01, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI1 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 24}, /* 0x02, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI2 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 22}, /* 0x03, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI3 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 24}, /* 0x04, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC1 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 9}, /* 0x05, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC2 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 13}, /* 0x06, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC3 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161}, 12}, /* 0x07, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC4 */
{{149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 5}, /* 0x08, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC5 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64}, 8}, /* 0x09, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC6 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 20}, /* 0x0A, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC7_IC1 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 20}, /* 0x0B, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_KCC1 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140}, 19}, /* 0x0C, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK1 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64}, 8}, /* 0x0D, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK2 */
{{100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140}, 11}, /* 0x0E, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK3 */
{{56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 15}, /* 0x0F, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC1 */
{{56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 8}, /* 0x10, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC2 */
{{149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 5}, /* 0x11, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC3 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48}, 4}, /* 0x12, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI4 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 20}, /* 0x13, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI5 */
{{149, 153, 157, 161}, 4}, /* 0x14, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC8 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64}, 8}, /* 0x15, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI6 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 13}, /* 0x16, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI7 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 9}, /* 0x17, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI8 */
{{100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140}, 11}, /* 0x18, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI9 */
{{149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 5}, /* 0x19, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI10 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 16}, /* 0x1A, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI11 */
{{52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 17}, /* 0x1B, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC4 */
{{149, 153, 157, 161}, 4}, /* 0x1C, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI12 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 17}, /* 0x1D, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC9 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140}, 12}, /* 0x1E, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI13 */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161}, 20}, /* 0x1F, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC10 */
/* Driver self defined for old channel plan Compatible , Remember to modify if have new channel plan definition ===== */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165}, 21}, /* 0x20, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC */
{{36, 40, 44, 48}, 4}, /* 0x21, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_JAPAN_NO_DFS */
{{36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161}, 8}, /* 0x22, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC4_NO_DFS */
/* 0x00 ~ 0x1F , Old Define ===== */
{0x02, 0x20}, /* 0x00, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC */
{0x02, 0x0A}, /* 0x01, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_IC */
{0x01, 0x01}, /* 0x02, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI */
{0x01, 0x00}, /* 0x03, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_SPAIN */
{0x01, 0x00}, /* 0x04, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FRANCE */
{0x03, 0x00}, /* 0x05, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK */
{0x03, 0x00}, /* 0x06, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1 */
{0x01, 0x09}, /* 0x07, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ISRAEL */
{0x03, 0x09}, /* 0x08, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_TELEC */
{0x03, 0x00}, /* 0x09, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_GLOBAL_DOAMIN */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x0A, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_13 */
{0x02, 0x0F}, /* 0x0B, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_TAIWAN */
{0x01, 0x08}, /* 0x0C, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_CHINA */
{0x02, 0x0B}, /* 0x0E, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_KOREA */
{0x02, 0x09}, /* 0x0F, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_TURKEY */
{0x01, 0x01}, /* 0x10, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_JAPAN */
{0x02, 0x05}, /* 0x11, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC_NO_DFS */
{0x01, 0x21}, /* 0x12, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_JAPAN_NO_DFS */
{0x00, 0x04}, /* 0x13, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_5G */
{0x02, 0x10}, /* 0x14, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_TAIWAN_NO_DFS */
{0x00, 0x21}, /* 0x15, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI_NO_DFS */
{0x00, 0x22}, /* 0x16, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_KOREA_NO_DFS */
{0x03, 0x21}, /* 0x17, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_JAPAN_NO_DFS */
{0x06, 0x08}, /* 0x18, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_PAKISTAN_NO_DFS */
{0x02, 0x08}, /* 0x19, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_TAIWAN2_NO_DFS */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x1A, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x1B, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x1C, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x1D, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x1E, */
{0x06, 0x04}, /* 0x1F, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_ONLY_5G */
/* 0x20 ~ 0x7F , New Define ===== */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x20, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_NULL */
{0x01, 0x00}, /* 0x21, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI1_NULL */
{0x02, 0x00}, /* 0x22, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NULL */
{0x03, 0x00}, /* 0x23, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_NULL */
{0x04, 0x00}, /* 0x24, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI2_NULL */
{0x02, 0x04}, /* 0x25, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC1 */
{0x00, 0x01}, /* 0x26, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI1 */
{0x03, 0x0C}, /* 0x27, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK1 */
{0x00, 0x0B}, /* 0x28, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_KCC1 */
{0x00, 0x05}, /* 0x29, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_FCC2 */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2A, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2B, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2C, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2D, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2E, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x2F, */
{0x00, 0x06}, /* 0x30, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_FCC3 */
{0x00, 0x07}, /* 0x31, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_FCC4 */
{0x00, 0x08}, /* 0x32, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_FCC5 */
{0x00, 0x09}, /* 0x33, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_FCC6 */
{0x02, 0x0A}, /* 0x34, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC7 */
{0x00, 0x02}, /* 0x35, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI2 */
{0x00, 0x03}, /* 0x36, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI3 */
{0x03, 0x0D}, /* 0x37, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK2 */
{0x03, 0x0E}, /* 0x38, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK3 */
{0x02, 0x0F}, /* 0x39, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC1 */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3A, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3B, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3C, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3D, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3E, */
{0x00, 0x00}, /* 0x3F, */
{0x02, 0x10}, /* 0x40, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC2 */
{0x05, 0x00}, /* 0x41, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_GLOBAL_NULL */
{0x01, 0x12}, /* 0x42, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI1_ETSI4 */
{0x02, 0x05}, /* 0x43, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC2 */
{0x02, 0x11}, /* 0x44, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC3 */
{0x00, 0x13}, /* 0x45, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI5 */
{0x02, 0x14}, /* 0x46, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC8 */
{0x00, 0x15}, /* 0x47, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI6 */
{0x00, 0x16}, /* 0x48, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI7 */
{0x00, 0x17}, /* 0x49, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI8 */
{0x00, 0x18}, /* 0x50, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI9 */
{0x00, 0x19}, /* 0x51, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI10 */
{0x00, 0x1A}, /* 0x52, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI11 */
{0x02, 0x1B}, /* 0x53, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC4 */
{0x00, 0x1C}, /* 0x54, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI12 */
{0x02, 0x1D}, /* 0x55, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC9 */
{0x00, 0x1E}, /* 0x56, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_ETSI13 */
{0x02, 0x1F}, /* 0x57, RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC10 */
static RT_CHANNEL_PLAN_MAP RTW_CHANNEL_PLAN_MAP_REALTEK_DEFINE = {0x03, 0x02}; /* use the conbination for max channel numbers */
* Search the @param ch in given @param ch_set
* @ch_set: the given channel set
* @ch: the given channel number
* return the index of channel_num in channel_set, -1 if not found
int rtw_ch_set_search_ch(RT_CHANNEL_INFO *ch_set, const u32 ch)
int i;
for (i = 0; ch_set[i].ChannelNum != 0; i++) {
if (ch == ch_set[i].ChannelNum)
if (i >= ch_set[i].ChannelNum)
return -1;
return i;
* Check the @param ch is fit with setband setting of @param adapter
* @adapter: the given adapter
* @ch: the given channel number
* return true when check valid, false not valid
bool rtw_mlme_band_check(struct adapter *adapter, const u32 ch)
if (adapter->setband == GHZ24_50 /* 2.4G and 5G */
|| (adapter->setband == GHZ_24 && ch < 35) /* 2.4G only */
|| (adapter->setband == GHZ_50 && ch > 35) /* 5G only */
) {
return true;
return false;
Following are the initialization functions for WiFi MLME
int init_hw_mlme_ext(struct adapter *padapter)
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
set_channel_bwmode(padapter, pmlmeext->cur_channel, pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset, pmlmeext->cur_bwmode);
return _SUCCESS;
void init_mlme_default_rate_set(struct adapter *padapter)
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
unsigned char mixed_datarate[NumRates] = {_1M_RATE_, _2M_RATE_, _5M_RATE_, _11M_RATE_, _6M_RATE_, _9M_RATE_, _12M_RATE_, _18M_RATE_, _24M_RATE_, _36M_RATE_, _48M_RATE_, _54M_RATE_, 0xff};
unsigned char mixed_basicrate[NumRates] = {_1M_RATE_, _2M_RATE_, _5M_RATE_, _11M_RATE_, _6M_RATE_, _12M_RATE_, _24M_RATE_, 0xff,};
unsigned char supported_mcs_set[16] = {0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0};
memcpy(pmlmeext->datarate, mixed_datarate, NumRates);
memcpy(pmlmeext->basicrate, mixed_basicrate, NumRates);
memcpy(pmlmeext->default_supported_mcs_set, supported_mcs_set, sizeof(pmlmeext->default_supported_mcs_set));
static void init_mlme_ext_priv_value(struct adapter *padapter)
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
atomic_set(&pmlmeext->event_seq, 0);
pmlmeext->mgnt_seq = 0;/* reset to zero when disconnect at client mode */
pmlmeext->sa_query_seq = 0;
pmlmeext->mgnt_80211w_IPN = 0;
pmlmeext->mgnt_80211w_IPN_rx = 0;
pmlmeext->cur_channel = padapter->;
pmlmeext->cur_bwmode = CHANNEL_WIDTH_20;
pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset = HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE;
pmlmeext->retry = 0;
pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode = padapter->registrypriv.wireless_mode;
if (pmlmeext->cur_channel > 14)
pmlmeext->tx_rate = IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_6MB;
pmlmeext->tx_rate = IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_1MB;
pmlmeext->sitesurvey_res.state = SCAN_DISABLE;
pmlmeext->sitesurvey_res.channel_idx = 0;
pmlmeext->sitesurvey_res.bss_cnt = 0;
pmlmeext->scan_abort = false;
pmlmeinfo->state = WIFI_FW_NULL_STATE;
pmlmeinfo->reauth_count = 0;
pmlmeinfo->reassoc_count = 0;
pmlmeinfo->link_count = 0;
pmlmeinfo->auth_seq = 0;
pmlmeinfo->auth_algo = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open;
pmlmeinfo->key_index = 0;
pmlmeinfo->iv = 0;
pmlmeinfo->enc_algo = _NO_PRIVACY_;
pmlmeinfo->authModeToggle = 0;
memset(pmlmeinfo->chg_txt, 0, 128);
pmlmeinfo->slotTime = SHORT_SLOT_TIME;
pmlmeinfo->preamble_mode = PREAMBLE_AUTO;
pmlmeinfo->dialogToken = 0;
pmlmeext->action_public_rxseq = 0xffff;
pmlmeext->action_public_dialog_token = 0xff;
static int has_channel(RT_CHANNEL_INFO *channel_set,
u8 chanset_size,
u8 chan)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < chanset_size; i++) {
if (channel_set[i].ChannelNum == chan) {
return 1;
return 0;
static void init_channel_list(struct adapter *padapter, RT_CHANNEL_INFO *channel_set,
u8 chanset_size,
struct p2p_channels *channel_list)
struct p2p_oper_class_map op_class[] = {
{ IEEE80211G, 81, 1, 13, 1, BW20 },
{ IEEE80211G, 82, 14, 14, 1, BW20 },
{ IEEE80211A, 115, 36, 48, 4, BW20 },
{ IEEE80211A, 116, 36, 44, 8, BW40PLUS },
{ IEEE80211A, 117, 40, 48, 8, BW40MINUS },
{ IEEE80211A, 124, 149, 161, 4, BW20 },
{ IEEE80211A, 125, 149, 169, 4, BW20 },
{ IEEE80211A, 126, 149, 157, 8, BW40PLUS },
{ IEEE80211A, 127, 153, 161, 8, BW40MINUS },
{ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, BW20 }
int cla, op;
cla = 0;
for (op = 0; op_class[op].op_class; op++) {
u8 ch;
struct p2p_oper_class_map *o = &op_class[op];
struct p2p_reg_class *reg = NULL;
for (ch = o->min_chan; ch <= o->max_chan; ch += o->inc) {
if (!has_channel(channel_set, chanset_size, ch)) {
if ((0 == padapter->registrypriv.ht_enable) && (8 == o->inc))
if ((0 < (padapter->registrypriv.bw_mode & 0xf0)) &&
((BW40MINUS == o->bw) || (BW40PLUS == o->bw)))
if (reg == NULL) {
reg = &channel_list->reg_class[cla];
reg->reg_class = o->op_class;
reg->channels = 0;
reg->channel[reg->channels] = ch;
channel_list->reg_classes = cla;
static u8 init_channel_set(struct adapter *padapter, u8 ChannelPlan, RT_CHANNEL_INFO *channel_set)
u8 index, chanset_size = 0;
u8 b5GBand = false, b2_4GBand = false;
u8 Index2G = 0, Index5G = 0;
memset(channel_set, 0, sizeof(RT_CHANNEL_INFO)*MAX_CHANNEL_NUM);
DBG_871X("ChannelPlan ID %x error !!!!!\n", ChannelPlan);
return chanset_size;
if (IsSupported24G(padapter->registrypriv.wireless_mode)) {
b2_4GBand = true;
Index2G = RTW_ChannelPlanMap[ChannelPlan].Index2G;
if (b2_4GBand) {
for (index = 0; index < RTW_ChannelPlan2G[Index2G].Len; index++) {
channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum = RTW_ChannelPlan2G[Index2G].Channel[index];
if ((RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_GLOBAL_DOAMIN == ChannelPlan) ||/* Channel 1~11 is active, and 12~14 is passive */
if (channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum >= 1 && channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum <= 11)
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_ACTIVE;
else if ((channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum >= 12 && channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum <= 14))
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_PASSIVE;
} else if (RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_13 == ChannelPlan ||
RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_WORLD == Index2G) { /* channel 12~13, passive scan */
if (channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum <= 11)
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_ACTIVE;
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_PASSIVE;
} else
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_ACTIVE;
if (b5GBand) {
for (index = 0; index < RTW_ChannelPlan5G[Index5G].Len; index++) {
if (RTW_ChannelPlan5G[Index5G].Channel[index] <= 48
|| RTW_ChannelPlan5G[Index5G].Channel[index] >= 149) {
channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum = RTW_ChannelPlan5G[Index5G].Channel[index];
if (RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_5G == ChannelPlan)/* passive scan for all 5G channels */
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_PASSIVE;
channel_set[chanset_size].ScanType = SCAN_ACTIVE;
DBG_871X("%s(): channel_set[%d].ChannelNum = %d\n", __func__, chanset_size, channel_set[chanset_size].ChannelNum);
DBG_871X("%s ChannelPlan ID %x Chan num:%d \n", __func__, ChannelPlan, chanset_size);
return chanset_size;
int init_mlme_ext_priv(struct adapter *padapter)
int res = _SUCCESS;
struct registry_priv *pregistrypriv = &padapter->registrypriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(padapter->mlmepriv);
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
pmlmeext->padapter = padapter;
/* fill_fwpriv(padapter, &(pmlmeext->fwpriv)); */
pmlmeinfo->accept_addba_req = pregistrypriv->accept_addba_req;
pmlmeext->max_chan_nums = init_channel_set(padapter, pmlmepriv->ChannelPlan, pmlmeext->channel_set);
init_channel_list(padapter, pmlmeext->channel_set, pmlmeext->max_chan_nums, &pmlmeext->channel_list);
pmlmeext->last_scan_time = 0;
pmlmeext->chan_scan_time = SURVEY_TO;
pmlmeext->mlmeext_init = true;
pmlmeext->active_keep_alive_check = true;
pmlmeext->fixed_chan = 0xFF;
return res;
void free_mlme_ext_priv(struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext)
struct adapter *padapter = pmlmeext->padapter;
if (!padapter)
if (padapter->bDriverStopped) {
/* del_timer_sync(&pmlmeext->ADDBA_timer); */
static void _mgt_dispatcher(struct adapter *padapter, struct mlme_handler *ptable, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u8 bc_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
if (ptable->func) {
/* receive the frames that ra(a1) is my address or ra(a1) is bc address. */
if (memcmp(GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), myid(&padapter->eeprompriv), ETH_ALEN) &&
memcmp(GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), bc_addr, ETH_ALEN))
ptable->func(padapter, precv_frame);
void mgt_dispatcher(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
int index;
struct mlme_handler *ptable;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
u8 bc_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
struct sta_info *psta = rtw_get_stainfo(&padapter->stapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
struct dvobj_priv *psdpriv = padapter->dvobj;
struct debug_priv *pdbgpriv = &psdpriv->drv_dbg;
RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_mlme_c_, _drv_info_,
("+mgt_dispatcher: type(0x%x) subtype(0x%x)\n",
GetFrameType(pframe), GetFrameSubType(pframe)));
if (GetFrameType(pframe) != WIFI_MGT_TYPE) {
RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_mlme_c_, _drv_err_, ("mgt_dispatcher: type(0x%x) error!\n", GetFrameType(pframe)));
/* receive the frames that ra(a1) is my address or ra(a1) is bc address. */
if (memcmp(GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), myid(&padapter->eeprompriv), ETH_ALEN) &&
memcmp(GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), bc_addr, ETH_ALEN)) {
ptable = mlme_sta_tbl;
index = GetFrameSubType(pframe) >> 4;
if (index >= ARRAY_SIZE(mlme_sta_tbl)) {
RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_mlme_c_, _drv_err_, ("Currently we do not support reserved sub-fr-type =%d\n", index));
ptable += index;
if (psta != NULL) {
if (GetRetry(pframe)) {
if (precv_frame->u.hdr.attrib.seq_num == psta->RxMgmtFrameSeqNum) {
/* drop the duplicate management frame */
DBG_871X("Drop duplicate management frame with seq_num = %d.\n", precv_frame->u.hdr.attrib.seq_num);
psta->RxMgmtFrameSeqNum = precv_frame->u.hdr.attrib.seq_num;
switch (GetFrameSubType(pframe)) {
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE))
ptable->func = &OnAuth;
ptable->func = &OnAuthClient;
/* fall through */
_mgt_dispatcher(padapter, ptable, precv_frame);
_mgt_dispatcher(padapter, ptable, precv_frame);
_mgt_dispatcher(padapter, ptable, precv_frame);
/* if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) == true) */
_mgt_dispatcher(padapter, ptable, precv_frame);
_mgt_dispatcher(padapter, ptable, precv_frame);
Following are the callback functions for each subtype of the management frames
unsigned int OnProbeReq(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int ielen;
unsigned char *p;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur = &(pmlmeinfo->network);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
u8 is_valid_p2p_probereq = false;
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE))
return _SUCCESS;
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) == false &&
check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE|WIFI_AP_STATE) == false) {
return _SUCCESS;
/* DBG_871X("+OnProbeReq\n"); */
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) &&
pmlmepriv->cur_network.join_res) {
struct sta_info *psta;
u8 *mac_addr, *peer_addr;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
u8 RC_OUI[4] = {0x00, 0xE0, 0x4C, 0x0A};
/* EID[1] + EID_LEN[1] + RC_OUI[4] + MAC[6] + PairingID[2] + ChannelNum[2] */
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + _PROBEREQ_IE_OFFSET_, _VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE_, (int *)&ielen,
if (!p || ielen != 14)
goto _non_rc_device;
if (memcmp(p+2, RC_OUI, sizeof(RC_OUI)))
goto _non_rc_device;
if (memcmp(p+6, get_sa(pframe), ETH_ALEN)) {
DBG_871X("%s, do rc pairing ("MAC_FMT"), but mac addr mismatch!("MAC_FMT")\n", __func__,
MAC_ARG(get_sa(pframe)), MAC_ARG(p+6));
goto _non_rc_device;
DBG_871X("%s, got the pairing device("MAC_FMT")\n", __func__, MAC_ARG(get_sa(pframe)));
/* new a station */
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, get_sa(pframe));
if (psta == NULL) {
/* allocate a new one */
DBG_871X("going to alloc stainfo for rc ="MAC_FMT"\n", MAC_ARG(get_sa(pframe)));
psta = rtw_alloc_stainfo(pstapriv, get_sa(pframe));
if (psta == NULL) {
/* TODO: */
DBG_871X(" Exceed the upper limit of supported clients...\n");
return _SUCCESS;
if (list_empty(&psta->asoc_list)) {
psta->expire_to = pstapriv->expire_to;
list_add_tail(&psta->asoc_list, &pstapriv->asoc_list);
/* generate pairing ID */
mac_addr = myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv));
peer_addr = psta->hwaddr;
psta->pid = (u16)(((mac_addr[4]<<8) + mac_addr[5]) + ((peer_addr[4]<<8) + peer_addr[5]));
/* update peer stainfo */
psta->isrc = true;
/* psta->aid = 0; */
/* psta->mac_id = 2; */
/* get a unique AID */
if (psta->aid > 0) {
DBG_871X("old AID %d\n", psta->aid);
} else {
for (psta->aid = 1; psta->aid <= NUM_STA; psta->aid++)
if (pstapriv->sta_aid[psta->aid - 1] == NULL)
if (psta->aid > pstapriv->max_num_sta) {
psta->aid = 0;
DBG_871X("no room for more AIDs\n");
return _SUCCESS;
} else {
pstapriv->sta_aid[psta->aid - 1] = psta;
DBG_871X("allocate new AID = (%d)\n", psta->aid);
psta->qos_option = 1;
psta->bw_mode = CHANNEL_WIDTH_20;
psta->ieee8021x_blocked = false;
psta->htpriv.ht_option = true;
psta->htpriv.ampdu_enable = false;
psta->htpriv.sgi_20m = false;
psta->htpriv.sgi_40m = false;
psta->htpriv.ch_offset = HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE;
psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap = 0x0;/* reset */
psta->htpriv.candidate_tid_bitmap = 0x0;/* reset */
rtw_hal_set_odm_var(padapter, HAL_ODM_STA_INFO, psta, true);
memset((void *)&psta->sta_stats, 0, sizeof(struct stainfo_stats));
psta->state |= _FW_LINKED;
report_add_sta_event(padapter, psta->hwaddr, psta->aid);
issue_probersp(padapter, get_sa(pframe), false);
return _SUCCESS;
return _SUCCESS;
#endif /* CONFIG_AUTO_AP_MODE */
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + _PROBEREQ_IE_OFFSET_, _SSID_IE_, (int *)&ielen,
/* check (wildcard) SSID */
if (p != NULL) {
if (is_valid_p2p_probereq)
goto _issue_probersp;
if ((ielen != 0 && false == !memcmp((void *)(p+2), (void *)cur->Ssid.Ssid, cur->Ssid.SsidLength))
|| (ielen == 0 && pmlmeinfo->hidden_ssid_mode)
return _SUCCESS;
if ((check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED) &&
pmlmepriv->cur_network.join_res) || check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE)) {
/* DBG_871X("+issue_probersp during ap mode\n"); */
issue_probersp(padapter, get_sa(pframe), is_valid_p2p_probereq);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnProbeRsp(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
if (pmlmeext->sitesurvey_res.state == SCAN_PROCESS) {
report_survey_event(padapter, precv_frame);
return _SUCCESS;
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnBeacon(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
int cam_idx;
struct sta_info *psta;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
struct wlan_bssid_ex *pbss;
int ret = _SUCCESS;
u8 *p = NULL;
u32 ielen = 0;
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr) + _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_, _EXT_SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_, &ielen, precv_frame->u.hdr.len - sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr) - _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_);
if ((p != NULL) && (ielen > 0)) {
if ((*(p + 1 + ielen) == 0x2D) && (*(p + 2 + ielen) != 0x2D)) {
/* Invalid value 0x2D is detected in Extended Supported Rates (ESR) IE. Try to fix the IE length to avoid failed Beacon parsing. */
DBG_871X("[WIFIDBG] Error in ESR IE is detected in Beacon of BSSID:"MAC_FMT". Fix the length of ESR IE to avoid failed Beacon parsing.\n", MAC_ARG(GetAddr3Ptr(pframe)));
*(p + 1) = ielen - 1;
if (pmlmeext->sitesurvey_res.state == SCAN_PROCESS) {
report_survey_event(padapter, precv_frame);
return _SUCCESS;
if (!memcmp(GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), ETH_ALEN)) {
if (pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_AUTH_NULL) {
/* we should update current network before auth, or some IE is wrong */
pbss = rtw_malloc(sizeof(struct wlan_bssid_ex));
if (pbss) {
if (collect_bss_info(padapter, precv_frame, pbss) == _SUCCESS) {
update_network(&(pmlmepriv->, pbss, padapter, true);
kfree((u8 *)pbss);
/* check the vendor of the assoc AP */
pmlmeinfo->assoc_AP_vendor = check_assoc_AP(pframe+sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr), len-sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr));
/* update TSF Value */
update_TSF(pmlmeext, pframe, len);
/* reset for adaptive_early_32k */
pmlmeext->adaptive_tsf_done = false;
pmlmeext->DrvBcnEarly = 0xff;
pmlmeext->DrvBcnTimeOut = 0xff;
pmlmeext->bcn_cnt = 0;
memset(pmlmeext->bcn_delay_cnt, 0, sizeof(pmlmeext->bcn_delay_cnt));
memset(pmlmeext->bcn_delay_ratio, 0, sizeof(pmlmeext->bcn_delay_ratio));
/* start auth */
return _SUCCESS;
if (((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_STATION_STATE) && (pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS)) {
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (psta != NULL) {
ret = rtw_check_bcn_info(padapter, pframe, len);
if (!ret) {
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "ap has changed, disconnect now\n ");
receive_disconnect(padapter, pmlmeinfo->network.MacAddress, 0);
return _SUCCESS;
/* update WMM, ERP in the beacon */
/* todo: the timer is used instead of the number of the beacon received */
if ((sta_rx_pkts(psta) & 0xf) == 0)
/* DBG_871X("update_bcn_info\n"); */
update_beacon_info(padapter, pframe, len, psta);
adaptive_early_32k(pmlmeext, pframe, len);
} else if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_ADHOC_STATE) {
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (psta != NULL) {
/* update WMM, ERP in the beacon */
/* todo: the timer is used instead of the number of the beacon received */
if ((sta_rx_pkts(psta) & 0xf) == 0) {
/* DBG_871X("update_bcn_info\n"); */
update_beacon_info(padapter, pframe, len, psta);
} else {
/* allocate a new CAM entry for IBSS station */
cam_idx = allocate_fw_sta_entry(padapter);
if (cam_idx == NUM_STA)
/* get supported rate */
if (update_sta_support_rate(padapter, (pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_), (len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_), cam_idx) == _FAIL) {
pmlmeinfo->FW_sta_info[cam_idx].status = 0;
/* update TSF Value */
update_TSF(pmlmeext, pframe, len);
/* report sta add event */
report_add_sta_event(padapter, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe), cam_idx);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnAuth(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int auth_mode, seq, ie_len;
unsigned char *sa, *p;
u16 algorithm;
int status;
static struct sta_info stat;
struct sta_info *pstat = NULL;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
u8 offset = 0;
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) != WIFI_FW_AP_STATE)
return _FAIL;
sa = GetAddr2Ptr(pframe);
auth_mode = psecuritypriv->dot11AuthAlgrthm;
if (GetPrivacy(pframe)) {
u8 *iv;
struct rx_pkt_attrib *prxattrib = &(precv_frame->u.hdr.attrib);
prxattrib->hdrlen = WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN;
prxattrib->encrypt = _WEP40_;
iv = pframe+prxattrib->hdrlen;
prxattrib->key_index = ((iv[3]>>6)&0x3);
prxattrib->iv_len = 4;
prxattrib->icv_len = 4;
rtw_wep_decrypt(padapter, (u8 *)precv_frame);
offset = 4;
algorithm = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)((SIZE_PTR)pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + offset));
seq = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)((SIZE_PTR)pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + offset + 2));
DBG_871X("auth alg =%x, seq =%X\n", algorithm, seq);
if (auth_mode == 2 &&
psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm != _WEP40_ &&
psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm != _WEP104_)
auth_mode = 0;
if ((algorithm > 0 && auth_mode == 0) || /* rx a shared-key auth but shared not enabled */
(algorithm == 0 && auth_mode == 1)) { /* rx a open-system auth but shared-key is enabled */
DBG_871X("auth rejected due to bad alg [alg =%d, auth_mib =%d] %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\n",
algorithm, auth_mode, sa[0], sa[1], sa[2], sa[3], sa[4], sa[5]);
status = _STATS_NO_SUPP_ALG_;
goto auth_fail;
if (rtw_access_ctrl(padapter, sa) == false) {
goto auth_fail;
pstat = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, sa);
if (pstat == NULL) {
/* allocate a new one */
DBG_871X("going to alloc stainfo for sa ="MAC_FMT"\n", MAC_ARG(sa));
pstat = rtw_alloc_stainfo(pstapriv, sa);
if (pstat == NULL) {
DBG_871X(" Exceed the upper limit of supported clients...\n");
goto auth_fail;
pstat->state = WIFI_FW_AUTH_NULL;
pstat->auth_seq = 0;
/* pstat->flags = 0; */
/* pstat->capability = 0; */
} else {
if (list_empty(&pstat->asoc_list) == false) {
if (pstat->expire_to > 0) {
/* TODO: STA re_auth within expire_to */
if (seq == 1) {
/* TODO: STA re_auth and auth timeout */
if (list_empty(&pstat->auth_list)) {
list_add_tail(&pstat->auth_list, &pstapriv->auth_list);
if (pstat->auth_seq == 0)
pstat->expire_to = pstapriv->auth_to;
if ((pstat->auth_seq + 1) != seq) {
DBG_871X("(1)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq =%d, exp_seq =%d]!\n",
seq, pstat->auth_seq+1);
goto auth_fail;
if (algorithm == 0 && (auth_mode == 0 || auth_mode == 2 || auth_mode == 3)) {
if (seq == 1) {
pstat->state &= ~WIFI_FW_AUTH_NULL;
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS;
pstat->expire_to = pstapriv->assoc_to;
pstat->authalg = algorithm;
} else {
DBG_871X("(2)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq =%d, exp_seq =%d]!\n",
seq, pstat->auth_seq+1);
goto auth_fail;
} else { /* shared system or auto authentication */
if (seq == 1) {
/* prepare for the challenging txt... */
memset((void *)pstat->chg_txt, 78, 128);
pstat->state &= ~WIFI_FW_AUTH_NULL;
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE;
pstat->authalg = algorithm;
pstat->auth_seq = 2;
} else if (seq == 3) {
/* checking for challenging txt... */
DBG_871X("checking for challenging txt...\n");
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + 4 + _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_, _CHLGETXT_IE_, (int *)&ie_len,
len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_ - 4);
if ((p == NULL) || (ie_len <= 0)) {
DBG_871X("auth rejected because challenge failure!(1)\n");
goto auth_fail;
if (!memcmp((void *)(p + 2), pstat->chg_txt, 128)) {
pstat->state &= (~WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE);
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS;
/* challenging txt is correct... */
pstat->expire_to = pstapriv->assoc_to;
} else {
DBG_871X("auth rejected because challenge failure!\n");
goto auth_fail;
} else {
DBG_871X("(3)auth rejected because out of seq [rx_seq =%d, exp_seq =%d]!\n",
seq, pstat->auth_seq+1);
goto auth_fail;
/* Now, we are going to issue_auth... */
pstat->auth_seq = seq + 1;
issue_auth(padapter, pstat, (unsigned short)(_STATS_SUCCESSFUL_));
if (pstat->state & WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS)
pstat->auth_seq = 0;
return _SUCCESS;
if (pstat)
rtw_free_stainfo(padapter, pstat);
pstat = &stat;
memset((char *)pstat, '\0', sizeof(stat));
pstat->auth_seq = 2;
memcpy(pstat->hwaddr, sa, 6);
issue_auth(padapter, pstat, (unsigned short)status);
return _FAIL;
unsigned int OnAuthClient(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int seq, len, status, algthm, offset;
unsigned char *p;
unsigned int go2asoc = 0;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint pkt_len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__);
/* check A1 matches or not */
if (memcmp(myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), get_da(pframe), ETH_ALEN))
return _SUCCESS;
if (!(pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE))
return _SUCCESS;
offset = (GetPrivacy(pframe)) ? 4 : 0;
algthm = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)((SIZE_PTR)pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + offset));
seq = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)((SIZE_PTR)pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + offset + 2));
status = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)((SIZE_PTR)pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + offset + 4));
if (status != 0) {
DBG_871X("clnt auth fail, status: %d\n", status);
if (status == 13) { /* pmlmeinfo->auth_algo == dot11AuthAlgrthm_Auto) */
if (pmlmeinfo->auth_algo == dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared)
pmlmeinfo->auth_algo = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open;
pmlmeinfo->auth_algo = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared;
/* pmlmeinfo->reauth_count = 0; */
set_link_timer(pmlmeext, 1);
goto authclnt_fail;
if (seq == 2) {
if (pmlmeinfo->auth_algo == dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared) {
/* legendary shared system */
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_, _CHLGETXT_IE_, (int *)&len,
pkt_len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_);
if (p == NULL) {
/* DBG_871X("marc: no challenge text?\n"); */
goto authclnt_fail;
memcpy((void *)(pmlmeinfo->chg_txt), (void *)(p + 2), len);
pmlmeinfo->auth_seq = 3;
issue_auth(padapter, NULL, 0);
set_link_timer(pmlmeext, REAUTH_TO);
return _SUCCESS;
} else {
/* open system */
go2asoc = 1;
} else if (seq == 4) {
if (pmlmeinfo->auth_algo == dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared) {
go2asoc = 1;
} else {
goto authclnt_fail;
} else {
/* this is also illegal */
/* DBG_871X("marc: clnt auth failed due to illegal seq =%x\n", seq); */
goto authclnt_fail;
if (go2asoc) {
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "auth success, start assoc\n");
return _SUCCESS;
/* pmlmeinfo->state &= ~(WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE); */
return _FAIL;
unsigned int OnAssocReq(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u16 capab_info, listen_interval;
struct rtw_ieee802_11_elems elems;
struct sta_info *pstat;
unsigned char reassoc, *p, *pos, *wpa_ie;
unsigned char WMM_IE[] = {0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01};
int i, ie_len, wpa_ie_len, left;
unsigned char supportRate[16];
int supportRateNum;
unsigned short status = _STATS_SUCCESSFUL_;
unsigned short frame_type, ie_offset = 0;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur = &(pmlmeinfo->network);
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint pkt_len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) != WIFI_FW_AP_STATE)
return _FAIL;
frame_type = GetFrameSubType(pframe);
if (frame_type == WIFI_ASSOCREQ) {
reassoc = 0;
ie_offset = _ASOCREQ_IE_OFFSET_;
} else { /* WIFI_REASSOCREQ */
reassoc = 1;
ie_offset = _REASOCREQ_IE_OFFSET_;
if (pkt_len < sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr) + ie_offset) {
DBG_871X("handle_assoc(reassoc =%d) - too short payload (len =%lu)"
"\n", reassoc, (unsigned long)pkt_len);
return _FAIL;
pstat = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (pstat == NULL) {
status = _RSON_CLS2_;
goto asoc_class2_error;
capab_info = RTW_GET_LE16(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
/* capab_info = le16_to_cpu(*(unsigned short *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN)); */
/* listen_interval = le16_to_cpu(*(unsigned short *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+2)); */
listen_interval = RTW_GET_LE16(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+2);
left = pkt_len - (sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr) + ie_offset);
pos = pframe + (sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr) + ie_offset);
DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__);
/* check if this stat has been successfully authenticated/assocated */
if (!((pstat->state) & WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS)) {
if (!((pstat->state) & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS)) {
status = _RSON_CLS2_;
goto asoc_class2_error;
} else {
pstat->state &= (~WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS);
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE;
} else {
pstat->state &= (~WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS);
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE;
pstat->capability = capab_info;
/* now parse all ieee802_11 ie to point to elems */
if (rtw_ieee802_11_parse_elems(pos, left, &elems, 1) == ParseFailed ||
!elems.ssid) {
DBG_871X("STA " MAC_FMT " sent invalid association request\n",
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
goto OnAssocReqFail;
/* now we should check all the fields... */
/* checking SSID */
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + ie_offset, _SSID_IE_, &ie_len,
pkt_len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - ie_offset);
if (!p || ie_len == 0) {
/* broadcast ssid, however it is not allowed in assocreq */
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
goto OnAssocReqFail;
} else {
/* check if ssid match */
if (memcmp((void *)(p+2), cur->Ssid.Ssid, cur->Ssid.SsidLength))
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
if (ie_len != cur->Ssid.SsidLength)
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
if (_STATS_SUCCESSFUL_ != status)
goto OnAssocReqFail;
/* check if the supported rate is ok */
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + ie_offset, _SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_, &ie_len, pkt_len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - ie_offset);
if (p == NULL) {
DBG_871X("Rx a sta assoc-req which supported rate is empty!\n");
/* use our own rate set as statoin used */
/* memcpy(supportRate, AP_BSSRATE, AP_BSSRATE_LEN); */
/* supportRateNum = AP_BSSRATE_LEN; */
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
goto OnAssocReqFail;
} else {
memcpy(supportRate, p+2, ie_len);
supportRateNum = ie_len;
p = rtw_get_ie(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + ie_offset, _EXT_SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_, &ie_len,
pkt_len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - ie_offset);
if (p != NULL) {
if (supportRateNum <= sizeof(supportRate)) {
memcpy(supportRate+supportRateNum, p+2, ie_len);
supportRateNum += ie_len;
/* todo: mask supportRate between AP & STA -> move to update raid */
/* get_matched_rate(pmlmeext, supportRate, &supportRateNum, 0); */
/* update station supportRate */
pstat->bssratelen = supportRateNum;
memcpy(pstat->bssrateset, supportRate, supportRateNum);
UpdateBrateTblForSoftAP(pstat->bssrateset, pstat->bssratelen);
/* check RSN/WPA/WPS */
pstat->dot8021xalg = 0;
pstat->wpa_psk = 0;
pstat->wpa_group_cipher = 0;
pstat->wpa2_group_cipher = 0;
pstat->wpa_pairwise_cipher = 0;
pstat->wpa2_pairwise_cipher = 0;
memset(pstat->wpa_ie, 0, sizeof(pstat->wpa_ie));
if ((psecuritypriv->wpa_psk & BIT(1)) && elems.rsn_ie) {
int group_cipher = 0, pairwise_cipher = 0;
wpa_ie = elems.rsn_ie;
wpa_ie_len = elems.rsn_ie_len;
if (rtw_parse_wpa2_ie(wpa_ie-2, wpa_ie_len+2, &group_cipher, &pairwise_cipher, NULL) == _SUCCESS) {
pstat->dot8021xalg = 1;/* psk, todo:802.1x */
pstat->wpa_psk |= BIT(1);
pstat->wpa2_group_cipher = group_cipher&psecuritypriv->wpa2_group_cipher;
pstat->wpa2_pairwise_cipher = pairwise_cipher&psecuritypriv->wpa2_pairwise_cipher;
if (!pstat->wpa2_group_cipher)
if (!pstat->wpa2_pairwise_cipher)
} else {
} else if ((psecuritypriv->wpa_psk & BIT(0)) && elems.wpa_ie) {
int group_cipher = 0, pairwise_cipher = 0;
wpa_ie = elems.wpa_ie;
wpa_ie_len = elems.wpa_ie_len;
if (rtw_parse_wpa_ie(wpa_ie-2, wpa_ie_len+2, &group_cipher, &pairwise_cipher, NULL) == _SUCCESS) {
pstat->dot8021xalg = 1;/* psk, todo:802.1x */
pstat->wpa_psk |= BIT(0);
pstat->wpa_group_cipher = group_cipher&psecuritypriv->wpa_group_cipher;
pstat->wpa_pairwise_cipher = pairwise_cipher&psecuritypriv->wpa_pairwise_cipher;
if (!pstat->wpa_group_cipher)
if (!pstat->wpa_pairwise_cipher)
} else {
} else {
wpa_ie = NULL;
wpa_ie_len = 0;
if (_STATS_SUCCESSFUL_ != status)
goto OnAssocReqFail;
pstat->flags &= ~(WLAN_STA_WPS | WLAN_STA_MAYBE_WPS);
if (wpa_ie == NULL) {
if (elems.wps_ie) {
DBG_871X("STA included WPS IE in "
"(Re)Association Request - assume WPS is "
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_WPS;
/* wpabuf_free(sta->wps_ie); */
/* sta->wps_ie = wpabuf_alloc_copy(elems.wps_ie + 4, */
/* elems.wps_ie_len - 4); */
} else {
DBG_871X("STA did not include WPA/RSN IE "
"in (Re)Association Request - possible WPS "
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_MAYBE_WPS;
/* AP support WPA/RSN, and sta is going to do WPS, but AP is not ready */
/* that the selected registrar of AP is _FLASE */
if ((psecuritypriv->wpa_psk > 0)
&& (pstat->flags & (WLAN_STA_WPS|WLAN_STA_MAYBE_WPS))) {
if (pmlmepriv->wps_beacon_ie) {
u8 selected_registrar = 0;
rtw_get_wps_attr_content(pmlmepriv->wps_beacon_ie, pmlmepriv->wps_beacon_ie_len, WPS_ATTR_SELECTED_REGISTRAR, &selected_registrar, NULL);
if (!selected_registrar) {
DBG_871X("selected_registrar is false , or AP is not ready to do WPS\n");
goto OnAssocReqFail;
} else {
int copy_len;
if (psecuritypriv->wpa_psk == 0) {
DBG_871X("STA " MAC_FMT ": WPA/RSN IE in association "
"request, but AP don't support WPA/RSN\n", MAC_ARG(pstat->hwaddr));
goto OnAssocReqFail;
if (elems.wps_ie) {
DBG_871X("STA included WPS IE in "
"(Re)Association Request - WPS is "
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_WPS;
copy_len = 0;
} else {
copy_len = ((wpa_ie_len+2) > sizeof(pstat->wpa_ie)) ? (sizeof(pstat->wpa_ie)):(wpa_ie_len+2);
if (copy_len > 0)
memcpy(pstat->wpa_ie, wpa_ie-2, copy_len);
/* check if there is WMM IE & support WWM-PS */
pstat->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_WME;
pstat->qos_option = 0;
pstat->qos_info = 0;
pstat->has_legacy_ac = true;
pstat->uapsd_vo = 0;
pstat->uapsd_vi = 0;
pstat->uapsd_be = 0;
pstat->uapsd_bk = 0;
if (pmlmepriv->qospriv.qos_option) {
p = pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + ie_offset; ie_len = 0;
for (;;) {
p = rtw_get_ie(p, _VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE_, &ie_len, pkt_len - WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN - ie_offset);
if (p != NULL) {
if (!memcmp(p+2, WMM_IE, 6)) {
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_WME;
pstat->qos_option = 1;
pstat->qos_info = *(p+8);
pstat->max_sp_len = (pstat->qos_info>>5)&0x3;
if ((pstat->qos_info&0xf) != 0xf)
pstat->has_legacy_ac = true;
pstat->has_legacy_ac = false;
if (pstat->qos_info&0xf) {
if (pstat->qos_info&BIT(0))
pstat->uapsd_vo = BIT(0)|BIT(1);
pstat->uapsd_vo = 0;
if (pstat->qos_info&BIT(1))
pstat->uapsd_vi = BIT(0)|BIT(1);
pstat->uapsd_vi = 0;
if (pstat->qos_info&BIT(2))
pstat->uapsd_bk = BIT(0)|BIT(1);
pstat->uapsd_bk = 0;
if (pstat->qos_info&BIT(3))
pstat->uapsd_be = BIT(0)|BIT(1);
pstat->uapsd_be = 0;
} else {
p = p + ie_len + 2;
/* save HT capabilities in the sta object */
memset(&pstat->htpriv.ht_cap, 0, sizeof(struct rtw_ieee80211_ht_cap));
if (elems.ht_capabilities && elems.ht_capabilities_len >= sizeof(struct rtw_ieee80211_ht_cap)) {
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_HT;
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_WME;
memcpy(&pstat->htpriv.ht_cap, elems.ht_capabilities, sizeof(struct rtw_ieee80211_ht_cap));
} else
pstat->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_HT;
if ((pmlmepriv->htpriv.ht_option == false) && (pstat->flags&WLAN_STA_HT)) {
status = _STATS_FAILURE_;
goto OnAssocReqFail;
if ((pstat->flags & WLAN_STA_HT) &&
((pstat->wpa2_pairwise_cipher&WPA_CIPHER_TKIP) ||
(pstat->wpa_pairwise_cipher&WPA_CIPHER_TKIP))) {
DBG_871X("HT: " MAC_FMT " tried to "
"use TKIP with HT association\n", MAC_ARG(pstat->hwaddr));
/* goto OnAssocReqFail; */
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_NONERP;
for (i = 0; i < pstat->bssratelen; i++) {
if ((pstat->bssrateset[i] & 0x7f) > 22) {
pstat->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_NONERP;
if (pstat->capability & WLAN_CAPABILITY_SHORT_PREAMBLE)
pstat->flags |= WLAN_STA_SHORT_PREAMBLE;
pstat->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_SHORT_PREAMBLE;
if (status != _STATS_SUCCESSFUL_)
goto OnAssocReqFail;
/* TODO: identify_proprietary_vendor_ie(); */
/* Realtek proprietary IE */
/* identify if this is Broadcom sta */
/* identify if this is ralink sta */
/* Customer proprietary IE */
/* get a unique AID */
if (pstat->aid > 0) {
DBG_871X(" old AID %d\n", pstat->aid);
} else {
for (pstat->aid = 1; pstat->aid <= NUM_STA; pstat->aid++)
if (pstapriv->sta_aid[pstat->aid - 1] == NULL)
/* if (pstat->aid > NUM_STA) { */
if (pstat->aid > pstapriv->max_num_sta) {
pstat->aid = 0;
DBG_871X(" no room for more AIDs\n");
goto OnAssocReqFail;
} else {
pstapriv->sta_aid[pstat->aid - 1] = pstat;
DBG_871X("allocate new AID = (%d)\n", pstat->aid);
pstat->state &= (~WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE);
pstat->state |= WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS;
if (!list_empty(&pstat->auth_list)) {
if (list_empty(&pstat->asoc_list)) {
pstat->expire_to = pstapriv->expire_to;
list_add_tail(&pstat->asoc_list, &pstapriv->asoc_list);
/* now the station is qualified to join our BSS... */
if (pstat && (pstat->state & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS) && (_STATS_SUCCESSFUL_ == status)) {
/* 1 bss_cap_update & sta_info_update */
bss_cap_update_on_sta_join(padapter, pstat);
sta_info_update(padapter, pstat);
/* 2 issue assoc rsp before notify station join event. */
if (frame_type == WIFI_ASSOCREQ)
issue_asocrsp(padapter, status, pstat, WIFI_ASSOCRSP);
issue_asocrsp(padapter, status, pstat, WIFI_REASSOCRSP);
if (pstat->passoc_req) {
pstat->passoc_req = NULL;
pstat->assoc_req_len = 0;
pstat->passoc_req = rtw_zmalloc(pkt_len);
if (pstat->passoc_req) {
memcpy(pstat->passoc_req, pframe, pkt_len);
pstat->assoc_req_len = pkt_len;
/* 3-(1) report sta add event */
report_add_sta_event(padapter, pstat->hwaddr, pstat->aid);
return _SUCCESS;
issue_deauth(padapter, (void *)GetAddr2Ptr(pframe), status);
return _FAIL;
pstat->aid = 0;
if (frame_type == WIFI_ASSOCREQ)
issue_asocrsp(padapter, status, pstat, WIFI_ASSOCRSP);
issue_asocrsp(padapter, status, pstat, WIFI_REASSOCRSP);
return _FAIL;
unsigned int OnAssocRsp(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
uint i;
int res;
unsigned short status;
struct ndis_80211_var_ie *pIE;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
/* struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network = &(pmlmeinfo->network); */
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint pkt_len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__);
/* check A1 matches or not */
if (memcmp(myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), get_da(pframe), ETH_ALEN))
return _SUCCESS;
if (!(pmlmeinfo->state & (WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS | WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE)))
return _SUCCESS;
if (pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS)
return _SUCCESS;
/* status */
status = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + 2));
if (status > 0) {
DBG_871X("assoc reject, status code: %d\n", status);
pmlmeinfo->state = WIFI_FW_NULL_STATE;
res = -4;
goto report_assoc_result;
/* get capabilities */
pmlmeinfo->capability = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN));
/* set slot time */
pmlmeinfo->slotTime = (pmlmeinfo->capability & BIT(10)) ? 9 : 20;
/* AID */
res = pmlmeinfo->aid = (int)(le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN + 4))&0x3fff);
/* following are moved to join event callback function */
/* to handle HT, WMM, rate adaptive, update MAC reg */
/* for not to handle the synchronous IO in the tasklet */
for (i = (6 + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN); i < pkt_len;) {
pIE = (struct ndis_80211_var_ie *)(pframe + i);
switch (pIE->ElementID) {
if (!memcmp(pIE->data, WMM_PARA_OUI, 6)) /* WMM */
WMM_param_handler(padapter, pIE);
case _HT_CAPABILITY_IE_: /* HT caps */
HT_caps_handler(padapter, pIE);
case _HT_EXTRA_INFO_IE_: /* HT info */
HT_info_handler(padapter, pIE);
case _ERPINFO_IE_:
ERP_IE_handler(padapter, pIE);
i += (pIE->Length + 2);
pmlmeinfo->state &= (~WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE);
pmlmeinfo->state |= WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS;
/* Update Basic Rate Table for spec, 2010-12-28 , by thomas */
UpdateBrateTbl(padapter, pmlmeinfo->network.SupportedRates);
if (res > 0) {
rtw_buf_update(&pmlmepriv->assoc_rsp, &pmlmepriv->assoc_rsp_len, pframe, pkt_len);
} else {
rtw_buf_free(&pmlmepriv->assoc_rsp, &pmlmepriv->assoc_rsp_len);
report_join_res(padapter, res);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnDeAuth(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned short reason;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
/* check A3 */
if (memcmp(GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), ETH_ALEN))
return _SUCCESS;
reason = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN));
DBG_871X("%s Reason code(%d)\n", __func__, reason);
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE)) {
struct sta_info *psta;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
/* spin_lock_bh(&(pstapriv->sta_hash_lock)); */
/* rtw_free_stainfo(padapter, psta); */
/* spin_unlock_bh(&(pstapriv->sta_hash_lock)); */
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "ap recv deauth reason code(%d) sta:%pM\n",
reason, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (psta) {
u8 updated = false;
if (list_empty(&psta->asoc_list) == false) {
updated = ap_free_sta(padapter, psta, false, reason);
associated_clients_update(padapter, updated);
return _SUCCESS;
} else {
int ignore_received_deauth = 0;
/* Commented by Albert 20130604 */
/* Before sending the auth frame to start the STA/GC mode connection with AP/GO, */
/* we will send the deauth first. */
/* However, the Win8.1 with BRCM Wi-Fi will send the deauth with reason code 6 to us after receieving our deauth. */
/* Added the following code to avoid this case. */
if ((pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE) ||
(pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE)) {
ignore_received_deauth = 1;
} else if (WLAN_REASON_PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID == reason) {
/* TODO: 802.11r */
ignore_received_deauth = 1;
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "sta recv deauth reason code(%d) sta:%pM, ignore = %d\n",
reason, GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), ignore_received_deauth);
if (0 == ignore_received_deauth) {
receive_disconnect(padapter, GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), reason);
pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic = false;
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnDisassoc(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned short reason;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
/* check A3 */
if (memcmp(GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), ETH_ALEN))
return _SUCCESS;
reason = le16_to_cpu(*(__le16 *)(pframe + WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN));
DBG_871X("%s Reason code(%d)\n", __func__, reason);
if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE)) {
struct sta_info *psta;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
/* spin_lock_bh(&(pstapriv->sta_hash_lock)); */
/* rtw_free_stainfo(padapter, psta); */
/* spin_unlock_bh(&(pstapriv->sta_hash_lock)); */
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "ap recv disassoc reason code(%d) sta:%pM\n",
reason, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (psta) {
u8 updated = false;
if (list_empty(&psta->asoc_list) == false) {
updated = ap_free_sta(padapter, psta, false, reason);
associated_clients_update(padapter, updated);
return _SUCCESS;
} else {
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_always_, "sta recv disassoc reason code(%d) sta:%pM\n",
reason, GetAddr3Ptr(pframe));
receive_disconnect(padapter, GetAddr3Ptr(pframe), reason);
pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic = false;
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnAtim(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int on_action_spct(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int ret = _FAIL;
struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u8 *frame_body = (u8 *)(pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr));
u8 category;
u8 action;
DBG_871X(FUNC_NDEV_FMT"\n", FUNC_NDEV_ARG(padapter->pnetdev));
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe));
if (!psta)
goto exit;
category = frame_body[0];
goto exit;
action = frame_body[1];
switch (action) {
return ret;
unsigned int OnAction_back(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u8 *addr;
struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
struct recv_reorder_ctrl *preorder_ctrl;
unsigned char *frame_body;
unsigned char category, action;
unsigned short tid, status, reason_code = 0;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__);
/* check RA matches or not */
if (memcmp(myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), ETH_ALEN))/* for if1, sta/ap mode */
return _SUCCESS;
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) != WIFI_FW_AP_STATE)
if (!(pmlmeinfo->state & WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS))
return _SUCCESS;
addr = GetAddr2Ptr(pframe);
psta = rtw_get_stainfo(pstapriv, addr);
if (psta == NULL)
return _SUCCESS;
frame_body = (unsigned char *)(pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr));
category = frame_body[0];
if (category == RTW_WLAN_CATEGORY_BACK) {/* representing Block Ack */
if (!pmlmeinfo->HT_enable) {
return _SUCCESS;
action = frame_body[1];
DBG_871X("%s, action =%d\n", __func__, action);
switch (action) {
memcpy(&(pmlmeinfo->ADDBA_req), &(frame_body[2]), sizeof(struct ADDBA_request));
/* process_addba_req(padapter, (u8 *)&(pmlmeinfo->ADDBA_req), GetAddr3Ptr(pframe)); */
process_addba_req(padapter, (u8 *)&(pmlmeinfo->ADDBA_req), addr);
if (pmlmeinfo->accept_addba_req) {
issue_action_BA(padapter, addr, RTW_WLAN_ACTION_ADDBA_RESP, 0);
} else {
issue_action_BA(padapter, addr, RTW_WLAN_ACTION_ADDBA_RESP, 37);/* reject ADDBA Req */
status = RTW_GET_LE16(&frame_body[3]);
tid = ((frame_body[5] >> 2) & 0x7);
if (status == 0) {
/* successful */
DBG_871X("agg_enable for TID =%d\n", tid);
psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap |= 1 << tid;
psta->htpriv.candidate_tid_bitmap &= ~BIT(tid);
} else {
psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap &= ~BIT(tid);
if (psta->state & WIFI_STA_ALIVE_CHK_STATE) {
DBG_871X("%s alive check - rx ADDBA response\n", __func__);
psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap &= ~BIT(tid);
psta->expire_to = pstapriv->expire_to;
psta->state ^= WIFI_STA_ALIVE_CHK_STATE;
/* DBG_871X("marc: ADDBA RSP: %x\n", pmlmeinfo->agg_enable_bitmap); */
if ((frame_body[3] & BIT(3)) == 0) {
psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap &= ~(1 << ((frame_body[3] >> 4) & 0xf));
psta->htpriv.candidate_tid_bitmap &= ~(1 << ((frame_body[3] >> 4) & 0xf));
/* reason_code = frame_body[4] | (frame_body[5] << 8); */
reason_code = RTW_GET_LE16(&frame_body[4]);
} else if ((frame_body[3] & BIT(3)) == BIT(3)) {
tid = (frame_body[3] >> 4) & 0x0F;
preorder_ctrl = &psta->recvreorder_ctrl[tid];
preorder_ctrl->enable = false;
preorder_ctrl->indicate_seq = 0xffff;
#ifdef DBG_RX_SEQ
DBG_871X("DBG_RX_SEQ %s:%d indicate_seq:%u\n", __func__, __LINE__,
DBG_871X("%s(): DELBA: %x(%x)\n", __func__, pmlmeinfo->agg_enable_bitmap, reason_code);
/* todo: how to notify the host while receiving DELETE BA */
return _SUCCESS;
static s32 rtw_action_public_decache(union recv_frame *recv_frame, s32 token)
struct adapter *adapter = recv_frame->u.hdr.adapter;
struct mlme_ext_priv *mlmeext = &(adapter->mlmeextpriv);
u8 *frame = recv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u16 seq_ctrl = ((recv_frame->u.hdr.attrib.seq_num&0xffff) << 4) |
(recv_frame->u.hdr.attrib.frag_num & 0xf);
if (GetRetry(frame)) {
if (token >= 0) {
if ((seq_ctrl == mlmeext->action_public_rxseq)
&& (token == mlmeext->action_public_dialog_token)) {
DBG_871X(FUNC_ADPT_FMT" seq_ctrl = 0x%x, rxseq = 0x%x, token:%d\n",
FUNC_ADPT_ARG(adapter), seq_ctrl, mlmeext->action_public_rxseq, token);
return _FAIL;
} else {
if (seq_ctrl == mlmeext->action_public_rxseq) {
DBG_871X(FUNC_ADPT_FMT" seq_ctrl = 0x%x, rxseq = 0x%x\n",
FUNC_ADPT_ARG(adapter), seq_ctrl, mlmeext->action_public_rxseq);
return _FAIL;
mlmeext->action_public_rxseq = seq_ctrl;
if (token >= 0)
mlmeext->action_public_dialog_token = token;
return _SUCCESS;
static unsigned int on_action_public_p2p(union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u8 *frame_body;
u8 dialogToken = 0;
frame_body = (unsigned char *)(pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr));
dialogToken = frame_body[7];
if (rtw_action_public_decache(precv_frame, dialogToken) == _FAIL)
return _FAIL;
return _SUCCESS;
static unsigned int on_action_public_vendor(union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int ret = _FAIL;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u8 *frame_body = pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
if (!memcmp(frame_body + 2, P2P_OUI, 4)) {
ret = on_action_public_p2p(precv_frame);
return ret;
static unsigned int on_action_public_default(union recv_frame *precv_frame, u8 action)
unsigned int ret = _FAIL;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
uint frame_len = precv_frame->u.hdr.len;
u8 *frame_body = pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
u8 token;
struct adapter *adapter = precv_frame->u.hdr.adapter;
int cnt = 0;
char msg[64];
token = frame_body[2];
if (rtw_action_public_decache(precv_frame, token) == _FAIL)
goto exit;
cnt += sprintf((msg+cnt), "%s(token:%u)", action_public_str(action), token);
rtw_cfg80211_rx_action(adapter, pframe, frame_len, msg);
ret = _SUCCESS;
return ret;
unsigned int on_action_public(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
unsigned int ret = _FAIL;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u8 *frame_body = pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
u8 category, action;
/* check RA matches or not */
if (memcmp(myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), ETH_ALEN))
goto exit;
category = frame_body[0];
goto exit;
action = frame_body[1];
switch (action) {
ret = on_action_public_vendor(precv_frame);
ret = on_action_public_default(precv_frame, action);
return ret;
unsigned int OnAction_ht(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
u8 *frame_body = pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
u8 category, action;
/* check RA matches or not */
if (memcmp(myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), ETH_ALEN))
goto exit;
category = frame_body[0];
if (category != RTW_WLAN_CATEGORY_HT)
goto exit;
action = frame_body[1];
switch (action) {
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnAction_sa_query(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
struct rx_pkt_attrib *pattrib = &precv_frame->u.hdr.attrib;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
unsigned short tid;
/* Baron */
switch (pframe[WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+1]) {
case 0: /* SA Query req */
memcpy(&tid, &pframe[WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+2], sizeof(unsigned short));
DBG_871X("OnAction_sa_query request, action =%d, tid =%04x\n", pframe[WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+1], tid);
issue_action_SA_Query(padapter, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe), 1, tid);
case 1: /* SA Query rsp */
DBG_871X("OnAction_sa_query response, action =%d, tid =%04x, cancel timer\n", pframe[WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+1], pframe[WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN+2]);
if (0) {
int pp;
printk("pattrib->pktlen = %d =>", pattrib->pkt_len);
for (pp = 0; pp < pattrib->pkt_len; pp++)
printk(" %02x ", pframe[pp]);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int OnAction(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
int i;
unsigned char category;
struct action_handler *ptable;
unsigned char *frame_body;
u8 *pframe = precv_frame->u.hdr.rx_data;
frame_body = (unsigned char *)(pframe + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr));
category = frame_body[0];
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(OnAction_tbl); i++) {
ptable = &OnAction_tbl[i];
if (category == ptable->num)
ptable->func(padapter, precv_frame);
return _SUCCESS;
unsigned int DoReserved(struct adapter *padapter, union recv_frame *precv_frame)
/* DBG_871X("rcvd mgt frame(%x, %x)\n", (GetFrameSubType(pframe) >> 4), *(unsigned int *)GetAddr1Ptr(pframe)); */
return _SUCCESS;
static struct xmit_frame *_alloc_mgtxmitframe(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, bool once)
struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe;
struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf;
if (once)
pmgntframe = rtw_alloc_xmitframe_once(pxmitpriv);
pmgntframe = rtw_alloc_xmitframe_ext(pxmitpriv);
if (pmgntframe == NULL) {
DBG_871X(FUNC_ADPT_FMT" alloc xmitframe fail, once:%d\n", FUNC_ADPT_ARG(pxmitpriv->adapter), once);
goto exit;
pxmitbuf = rtw_alloc_xmitbuf_ext(pxmitpriv);
if (pxmitbuf == NULL) {
DBG_871X(FUNC_ADPT_FMT" alloc xmitbuf fail\n", FUNC_ADPT_ARG(pxmitpriv->adapter));
rtw_free_xmitframe(pxmitpriv, pmgntframe);
pmgntframe = NULL;
goto exit;
pmgntframe->frame_tag = MGNT_FRAMETAG;
pmgntframe->pxmitbuf = pxmitbuf;
pmgntframe->buf_addr = pxmitbuf->pbuf;
pxmitbuf->priv_data = pmgntframe;
return pmgntframe;
inline struct xmit_frame *alloc_mgtxmitframe(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv)
return _alloc_mgtxmitframe(pxmitpriv, false);
Following are some TX fuctions for WiFi MLME
void update_mgnt_tx_rate(struct adapter *padapter, u8 rate)
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
pmlmeext->tx_rate = rate;
/* DBG_871X("%s(): rate = %x\n", __func__, rate); */
void update_mgntframe_attrib(struct adapter *padapter, struct pkt_attrib *pattrib)
u8 wireless_mode;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
/* memset((u8 *)(pattrib), 0, sizeof(struct pkt_attrib)); */
pattrib->hdrlen = 24;
pattrib->nr_frags = 1;
pattrib->priority = 7;
pattrib->mac_id = 0;
pattrib->qsel = 0x12;
pattrib->pktlen = 0;
if (pmlmeext->tx_rate == IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_1MB)
wireless_mode = WIRELESS_11B;
wireless_mode = WIRELESS_11G;
pattrib->raid = rtw_get_mgntframe_raid(padapter, wireless_mode);
pattrib->rate = pmlmeext->tx_rate;
pattrib->encrypt = _NO_PRIVACY_;
pattrib->bswenc = false;
pattrib->qos_en = false;
pattrib->ht_en = false;
pattrib->bwmode = CHANNEL_WIDTH_20;
pattrib->ch_offset = HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_DONT_CARE;
pattrib->sgi = false;
pattrib->seqnum = pmlmeext->mgnt_seq;
pattrib->retry_ctrl = true;
pattrib->mbssid = 0;
void update_mgntframe_attrib_addr(struct adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe)
u8 *pframe;
struct pkt_attrib *pattrib = &pmgntframe->attrib;
pframe = (u8 *)(pmgntframe->buf_addr) + TXDESC_OFFSET;
memcpy(pattrib->ra, GetAddr1Ptr(pframe), ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pattrib->ta, GetAddr2Ptr(pframe), ETH_ALEN);
void dump_mgntframe(struct adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe)
if (padapter->bSurpriseRemoved ||
padapter->bDriverStopped) {
rtw_free_xmitbuf(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe->pxmitbuf);
rtw_free_xmitframe(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe);
rtw_hal_mgnt_xmit(padapter, pmgntframe);
s32 dump_mgntframe_and_wait(struct adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe, int timeout_ms)
s32 ret = _FAIL;
_irqL irqL;
struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &padapter->xmitpriv;
struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf = pmgntframe->pxmitbuf;
struct submit_ctx sctx;
if (padapter->bSurpriseRemoved ||
padapter->bDriverStopped) {
rtw_free_xmitbuf(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe->pxmitbuf);
rtw_free_xmitframe(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe);
return ret;
rtw_sctx_init(&sctx, timeout_ms);
pxmitbuf->sctx = &sctx;
ret = rtw_hal_mgnt_xmit(padapter, pmgntframe);
if (ret == _SUCCESS)
ret = rtw_sctx_wait(&sctx, __func__);
spin_lock_irqsave(&pxmitpriv->lock_sctx, irqL);
pxmitbuf->sctx = NULL;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pxmitpriv->lock_sctx, irqL);
return ret;
s32 dump_mgntframe_and_wait_ack(struct adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe)
static u8 seq_no;
s32 ret = _FAIL;
u32 timeout_ms = 500;/* 500ms */
struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &padapter->xmitpriv;
if (padapter->bSurpriseRemoved ||
padapter->bDriverStopped) {
rtw_free_xmitbuf(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe->pxmitbuf);
rtw_free_xmitframe(&padapter->xmitpriv, pmgntframe);
return -1;
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&pxmitpriv->ack_tx_mutex) == 0) {
pxmitpriv->ack_tx = true;
pxmitpriv->seq_no = seq_no++;
pmgntframe->ack_report = 1;
if (rtw_hal_mgnt_xmit(padapter, pmgntframe) == _SUCCESS) {
ret = rtw_ack_tx_wait(pxmitpriv, timeout_ms);
pxmitpriv->ack_tx = false;
return ret;
static int update_hidden_ssid(u8 *ies, u32 ies_len, u8 hidden_ssid_mode)
u8 *ssid_ie;
sint ssid_len_ori;
int len_diff = 0;
ssid_ie = rtw_get_ie(ies, WLAN_EID_SSID, &ssid_len_ori, ies_len);
/* DBG_871X("%s hidden_ssid_mode:%u, ssid_ie:%p, ssid_len_ori:%d\n", __func__, hidden_ssid_mode, ssid_ie, ssid_len_ori); */
if (ssid_ie && ssid_len_ori > 0) {
switch (hidden_ssid_mode) {
case 1:
u8 *next_ie = ssid_ie + 2 + ssid_len_ori;
u32 remain_len = 0;
remain_len = ies_len - (next_ie-ies);
ssid_ie[1] = 0;
memcpy(ssid_ie+2, next_ie, remain_len);
len_diff -= ssid_len_ori;
case 2:
memset(&ssid_ie[2], 0, ssid_len_ori);
return len_diff;
void issue_beacon(struct adapter *padapter, int timeout_ms)
struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe;
struct pkt_attrib *pattrib;
unsigned char *pframe;
struct ieee80211_hdr *pwlanhdr;
__le16 *fctrl;
unsigned int rate_len;
struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &(padapter->xmitpriv);
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &(padapter->mlmepriv);
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network = &(pmlmeinfo->network);
u8 bc_addr[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
/* DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__); */
pmgntframe = alloc_mgtxmitframe(pxmitpriv);
if (pmgntframe == NULL) {
DBG_871X("%s, alloc mgnt frame fail\n", __func__);
/* update attribute */
pattrib = &pmgntframe->attrib;
update_mgntframe_attrib(padapter, pattrib);
pattrib->qsel = 0x10;
memset(pmgntframe->buf_addr, 0, WLANHDR_OFFSET + TXDESC_OFFSET);
pframe = (u8 *)(pmgntframe->buf_addr) + TXDESC_OFFSET;
pwlanhdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)pframe;
fctrl = &(pwlanhdr->frame_control);
*(fctrl) = 0;
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr1, bc_addr, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr2, myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv)), ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr3, get_my_bssid(cur_network), ETH_ALEN);
SetSeqNum(pwlanhdr, 0/*pmlmeext->mgnt_seq*/);
/* pmlmeext->mgnt_seq++; */
SetFrameSubType(pframe, WIFI_BEACON);
pframe += sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
pattrib->pktlen = sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_AP_STATE) {
/* DBG_871X("ie len =%d\n", cur_network->IELength); */
int len_diff;
memcpy(pframe, cur_network->IEs, cur_network->IELength);
len_diff = update_hidden_ssid(
, cur_network->IELength-_BEACON_IE_OFFSET_
, pmlmeinfo->hidden_ssid_mode
pframe += (cur_network->IELength+len_diff);
pattrib->pktlen += (cur_network->IELength+len_diff);
u8 *wps_ie;
uint wps_ielen;
u8 sr = 0;
wps_ie = rtw_get_wps_ie(pmgntframe->buf_addr+TXDESC_OFFSET+sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr)+_BEACON_IE_OFFSET_,
pattrib->pktlen-sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr)-_BEACON_IE_OFFSET_, NULL, &wps_ielen);
if (wps_ie && wps_ielen > 0) {
rtw_get_wps_attr_content(wps_ie, wps_ielen, WPS_ATTR_SELECTED_REGISTRAR, (u8 *)(&sr), NULL);
if (sr != 0)
set_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_WPS);
_clr_fwstate_(pmlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_WPS);
goto _issue_bcn;
/* below for ad-hoc mode */
/* timestamp will be inserted by hardware */
pframe += 8;
pattrib->pktlen += 8;
/* beacon interval: 2 bytes */
memcpy(pframe, (unsigned char *)(rtw_get_beacon_interval_from_ie(cur_network->IEs)), 2);
pframe += 2;
pattrib->pktlen += 2;
/* capability info: 2 bytes */
memcpy(pframe, (unsigned char *)(rtw_get_capability_from_ie(cur_network->IEs)), 2);
pframe += 2;
pattrib->pktlen += 2;
/* SSID */
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _SSID_IE_, cur_network->Ssid.SsidLength, cur_network->Ssid.Ssid, &pattrib->pktlen);
/* supported rates... */
rate_len = rtw_get_rateset_len(cur_network->SupportedRates);
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_, ((rate_len > 8) ? 8 : rate_len), cur_network->SupportedRates, &pattrib->pktlen);
/* DS parameter set */
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _DSSET_IE_, 1, (unsigned char *)&(cur_network->Configuration.DSConfig), &pattrib->pktlen);
/* if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_ADHOC_STATE) */
u8 erpinfo = 0;
u32 ATIMWindow;
/* IBSS Parameter Set... */
/* ATIMWindow = cur->Configuration.ATIMWindow; */
ATIMWindow = 0;
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _IBSS_PARA_IE_, 2, (unsigned char *)(&ATIMWindow), &pattrib->pktlen);
/* ERP IE */
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _ERPINFO_IE_, 1, &erpinfo, &pattrib->pktlen);
if (rate_len > 8) {
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _EXT_SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_, (rate_len - 8), (cur_network->SupportedRates + 8), &pattrib->pktlen);
/* todo:HT for adhoc */
pmlmepriv->update_bcn = false;
if ((pattrib->pktlen + TXDESC_SIZE) > 512) {
DBG_871X("beacon frame too large\n");
pattrib->last_txcmdsz = pattrib->pktlen;
/* DBG_871X("issue bcn_sz =%d\n", pattrib->last_txcmdsz); */
if (timeout_ms > 0)
dump_mgntframe_and_wait(padapter, pmgntframe, timeout_ms);
dump_mgntframe(padapter, pmgntframe);
void issue_probersp(struct adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da, u8 is_valid_p2p_probereq)
struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe;
struct pkt_attrib *pattrib;
unsigned char *pframe;
struct ieee80211_hdr *pwlanhdr;
__le16 *fctrl;
unsigned char *mac, *bssid;
struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv = &(padapter->xmitpriv);
u8 *pwps_ie;
uint wps_ielen;
struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network = &(pmlmeinfo->network);
unsigned int rate_len;
/* DBG_871X("%s\n", __func__); */
if (da == NULL)
pmgntframe = alloc_mgtxmitframe(pxmitpriv);
if (pmgntframe == NULL) {
DBG_871X("%s, alloc mgnt frame fail\n", __func__);
/* update attribute */
pattrib = &pmgntframe->attrib;
update_mgntframe_attrib(padapter, pattrib);
memset(pmgntframe->buf_addr, 0, WLANHDR_OFFSET + TXDESC_OFFSET);
pframe = (u8 *)(pmgntframe->buf_addr) + TXDESC_OFFSET;
pwlanhdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)pframe;
mac = myid(&(padapter->eeprompriv));
bssid = cur_network->MacAddress;
fctrl = &(pwlanhdr->frame_control);
*(fctrl) = 0;
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr1, da, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr2, mac, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(pwlanhdr->addr3, bssid, ETH_ALEN);
SetSeqNum(pwlanhdr, pmlmeext->mgnt_seq);
SetFrameSubType(fctrl, WIFI_PROBERSP);
pattrib->hdrlen = sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
pattrib->pktlen = pattrib->hdrlen;
pframe += pattrib->hdrlen;
if (cur_network->IELength > MAX_IE_SZ)
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_AP_STATE) {
pwps_ie = rtw_get_wps_ie(cur_network->IEs+_FIXED_IE_LENGTH_, cur_network->IELength-_FIXED_IE_LENGTH_, NULL, &wps_ielen);
/* inerset & update wps_probe_resp_ie */
if ((pmlmepriv->wps_probe_resp_ie != NULL) && pwps_ie && (wps_ielen > 0)) {
uint wps_offset, remainder_ielen;
u8 *premainder_ie;
wps_offset = (uint)(pwps_ie - cur_network->IEs);
premainder_ie = pwps_ie + wps_ielen;
remainder_ielen = cur_network->IELength - wps_offset - wps_ielen;
memcpy(pframe, cur_network->IEs, wps_offset);
pframe += wps_offset;
pattrib->pktlen += wps_offset;
wps_ielen = (uint)pmlmepriv->wps_probe_resp_ie[1];/* to get ie data len */
if ((wps_offset+wps_ielen+2) <= MAX_IE_SZ) {
memcpy(pframe, pmlmepriv->wps_probe_resp_ie, wps_ielen+2);
pframe += wps_ielen+2;
pattrib->pktlen += wps_ielen+2;
if ((wps_offset+wps_ielen+2+remainder_ielen) <= MAX_IE_SZ) {
memcpy(pframe, premainder_ie, remainder_ielen);
pframe += remainder_ielen;
pattrib->pktlen += remainder_ielen;
} else {
memcpy(pframe, cur_network->IEs, cur_network->IELength);
pframe += cur_network->IELength;
pattrib->pktlen += cur_network->IELength;
/* retrieve SSID IE from cur_network->Ssid */
u8 *ssid_ie;
sint ssid_ielen;
sint ssid_ielen_diff;
u8 buf[MAX_IE_SZ];
u8 *ies = pmgntframe->buf_addr+TXDESC_OFFSET+sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr_3addr);
ssid_ie = rtw_get_ie(ies+_FIXED_IE_LENGTH_, _SSID_IE_, &ssid_ielen,
ssid_ielen_diff = cur_network->Ssid.SsidLength - ssid_ielen;
if (ssid_ie && cur_network->Ssid.SsidLength) {
uint remainder_ielen;
u8 *remainder_ie;
remainder_ie = ssid_ie+2;
remainder_ielen = (pframe-remainder_ie);
if (remainder_ielen > MAX_IE_SZ) {
DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_warning_, FUNC_ADPT_FMT" remainder_ielen > MAX_IE_SZ\n", FUNC_ADPT_ARG(padapter));
remainder_ielen = MAX_IE_SZ;
memcpy(buf, remainder_ie, remainder_ielen);
memcpy(remainder_ie+ssid_ielen_diff, buf, remainder_ielen);
*(ssid_ie+1) = cur_network->Ssid.SsidLength;
memcpy(ssid_ie+2, cur_network->Ssid.Ssid, cur_network->Ssid.SsidLength);
pframe += ssid_ielen_diff;