[PATCH] sky2: more ethtool stats

Expose all the available hardware statistics via ethtool.
And cleanup some of the statistics definitions.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@osdl.org>
Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik <jeff@garzik.org>
diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c
index f08fe6c..36db938 100644
--- a/drivers/net/sky2.c
+++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c
@@ -2478,17 +2478,34 @@
 	{ "rx_unicast",    GM_RXF_UC_OK },
 	{ "tx_mac_pause",  GM_TXF_MPAUSE },
 	{ "rx_mac_pause",  GM_RXF_MPAUSE },
-	{ "collisions",    GM_TXF_SNG_COL },
+	{ "collisions",    GM_TXF_COL },
 	{ "late_collision",GM_TXF_LAT_COL },
 	{ "aborted", 	   GM_TXF_ABO_COL },
+	{ "single_collisions", GM_TXF_SNG_COL },
 	{ "multi_collisions", GM_TXF_MUL_COL },
-	{ "fifo_underrun", GM_TXE_FIFO_UR },
-	{ "fifo_overflow", GM_RXE_FIFO_OV },
-	{ "rx_toolong",    GM_RXF_LNG_ERR },
-	{ "rx_jabber",     GM_RXF_JAB_PKT },
+	{ "rx_short",      GM_RXE_SHT },
 	{ "rx_runt", 	   GM_RXE_FRAG },
+	{ "rx_64_byte_packets", GM_RXF_64B },
+	{ "rx_65_to_127_byte_packets", GM_RXF_127B },
+	{ "rx_128_to_255_byte_packets", GM_RXF_255B },
+	{ "rx_256_to_511_byte_packets", GM_RXF_511B },
+	{ "rx_512_to_1023_byte_packets", GM_RXF_1023B },
+	{ "rx_1024_to_1518_byte_packets", GM_RXF_1518B },
+	{ "rx_1518_to_max_byte_packets", GM_RXF_MAX_SZ },
 	{ "rx_too_long",   GM_RXF_LNG_ERR },
+	{ "rx_fifo_overflow", GM_RXE_FIFO_OV },
+	{ "rx_jabber",     GM_RXF_JAB_PKT },
 	{ "rx_fcs_error",   GM_RXF_FCS_ERR },
+	{ "tx_64_byte_packets", GM_TXF_64B },
+	{ "tx_65_to_127_byte_packets", GM_TXF_127B },
+	{ "tx_128_to_255_byte_packets", GM_TXF_255B },
+	{ "tx_256_to_511_byte_packets", GM_TXF_511B },
+	{ "tx_512_to_1023_byte_packets", GM_TXF_1023B },
+	{ "tx_1024_to_1518_byte_packets", GM_TXF_1518B },
+	{ "tx_1519_to_max_byte_packets", GM_TXF_MAX_SZ },
+	{ "tx_fifo_underrun", GM_TXE_FIFO_UR },
 static u32 sky2_get_rx_csum(struct net_device *dev)