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773299a570725d1f253d6046cd6475209b0dcd55 KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Prevent userspace injection of a mapped interrupt
Virtual interrupts mapped to a HW interrupt should only be triggered
from inside the kernel. Otherwise, you could end up confusing the
kernel (and the GIC's) state machine.
Rearrange the injection path so that kvm_vgic_inject_irq is
used for non-mapped interrupts, and kvm_vgic_inject_mapped_irq is
used for mapped interrupts. The latter should only be called from
inside the kernel (timer, irqfd).
Reviewed-by: Christoffer Dall <christoffer.dall@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
2 files changed