perf_counter tools: add in basic glue from Git
First very raw version at having a central 'perf' command and
a list of subcommands:
perf top
perf stat
perf record
perf report
This is done by picking up Git's collection of utility functions,
and hacking them to build fine in this new environment.
Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
diff --git a/Documentation/perf_counter/PERF-VERSION-GEN b/Documentation/perf_counter/PERF-VERSION-GEN
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c561d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/perf_counter/PERF-VERSION-GEN
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# First see if there is a version file (included in release tarballs),
+# then try git-describe, then default.
+if test -f version
+ VN=$(cat version) || VN="$DEF_VER"
+elif test -d .git -o -f .git &&
+ VN=$(git describe --abbrev=4 HEAD 2>/dev/null) &&
+ case "$VN" in
+ *$LF*) (exit 1) ;;
+ v[0-9]*)
+ git update-index -q --refresh
+ test -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD --)" ||
+ VN="$VN-dirty" ;;
+ esac
+ VN=$(echo "$VN" | sed -e 's/-/./g');
+VN=$(expr "$VN" : v*'\(.*\)')
+if test -r $GVF
+ VC=$(sed -e 's/^PERF_VERSION = //' <$GVF)
+ VC=unset
+test "$VN" = "$VC" || {
+ echo >&2 "PERF_VERSION = $VN"
+ echo "PERF_VERSION = $VN" >$GVF